Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Our faith is exemplified in our testimonies and all we endure but it’s also in our walk - in the way we carry ourselves, in the way we treat others ...


Y(our) Grace is Sufficient: How to Treat People Who Don’t Know How to Treat Us

Our faith is exemplified in our testimonies and all we endure but it’s also in our walk - in the way we carry ourselves, in the way we treat others ...

Everything happens for a reason. We know that, right? The reason may be a mystery to us in this current moment, but the purpose is abundantly clear to God. Just as everything in our lives happens for a reason, everyone that comes into our lives has a particular purpose as well. Even those who we know would dodge us in the street if they saw us coming. I’ve got news though – they, too, are in your life for a reason and it is a reason far greater than to sabotage and ruin us or our lives. Oftentimes, it can feel like that because we have met many people who did not like us, who were not kind to us and did everything in their power to make our lives hell where they could. Now, I cannot tell you the extent of their purpose in your life specifically, but I can guarantee they are a test – an opportunity to see what you are made of and what you will do in the face of opposition.

Two weeks ago, I implored us all not to be afraid to be transparent about how great God has been, and to not be quiet about the blessings He has bestowed in our loves and that message still stands. I’m just adding an addendum to my editorial from a few weeks ago. Our faith is exemplified in our testimonies and all we endure but it’s also in our walk – in the way we carry ourselves, in the way we treat others and in the way we are able to handle the most immense of challenges and those challenges are not always situations, but come in the form of people as well. People God places in our lives, as my mother would say, just to see how we react and how we treat them. Will we embody Him, show them the love of Christ and turn the other cheek as Christ mandates that we do? Or will we act unseemly and show a side of ourselves that is not godly? Will we profess, from our mouth, the goodness of God or will we zip our lips so as not to make anyone uncomfortable?

I’m not suggesting it is a walk in the park to show kindness, let alone the love of Christ to people we know don’t like us, who we know for a fact are working against us and do not wish us well. But I believe we underestimate ourselves and by ourselves, I mean the spirit of God that abides within us when we find ourselves in situations like this – with people who make enemies out of us without any provocation on our part. My father has always told me that when you live right, you don’t have enemies but people do make enemies out of you, so what your trial calls for is a perception shift – is not your focus on the fact that someone doesn’t like you or is trying to derail you, but your focus ought to be on the God you serve and what He would have you to do and how he can be praised even in a situation that is not the most comfortable. This person is not our or a problem so much as an opportunity – an opportunity to exercise and strengthen our faith. What do we do when we are going through something difficult? We pray ceaselessly and we forge on in faith. We allow the Spirit and not our flesh to lead us, just as we would in any other aspect of our lives. We do our part, we give God the glory through our kind words and deeds and God does His part. Too often, we focus on the consequences and how God is going to take care of the people who mistreat us, but as my grandmother would say, that is not our department. When we do that, begin to plot and plan the demise of others, not only are we acting unChristlike and stepping into His territory, we are not trusting Him. We are ignoring and forsaking the fact that trouble doesn’t last always and neither do the strongholds in our lives.

Now more often than not, the people that are simply do not want to see you win and try to sabotage you because you have a light that they want to dim. Because they know you follow Christ and either resent that, or they wish to bring you out of character. Sometimes, it can also be because they’re hurt or maybe even a combination of them both. But, something in their own life is awry and they are taking it out on you, but that, too, is an opportunity to show the love of God – to extend kindness to someone who has not known kindness in a long time, which is often the reason they act out. My father has always reiterated something my grandmother always told him and that is that if someone is hurting you, it is because they are hurting. But if you can find out why they’re hurting and make it stop, then they won’t hurt anyone else. Granted, we do not always have the luxury of finding out the why, but giving someone grace – the same grace we are extended from God daily through Christ Jesus – is a surefire way to begin the healing.

Again, none of this is easy, but this is the path we chose and even if it wasn’t, there would still be people who don’t like us, who try to thwart everything we do. But if we do it Christ’s way, if we show earnest love, compassion and grace – all gifts that God blesses us with in great abundance, then we leave that individual in better condition than we found them and God is praised!

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