Sometimes we doubt God because after we come to Christ, we are faced with the same struggle we had when we didn’t commit ourselves to Him. We think that since we’re saved, we don’t have to worry about fear, rejection, and the list goes on. But when those things rise to the surface, we’re faced with a choice. We either choose to be bogged down by this reoccurring obstacle, or we ask God to help us overcome it. I’ve come to realize that oftentimes when we pray to God to be healed or delivered from something, we are faced with that thing so that we can actually call it out and surrender it to God. What if I told you that when you asked for healing, God had to show exactly what you need to heal from in order for the process to begin? What if I told you that when the reality of your brokenness is in your face, the healing has already happened; you’re just now open to letting it take place? The beauty of being faced with our obstacles with God on our side is the fact that we know we’re not abandoned. We can look at the storm around us but also have peace because Jesus is in our boat, and because of that, we can be confident that we will come out of this season stronger than before.

I think it’s safe to say that none of us are a big fan of coming to terms with the not-so-great parts of ourselves, but what’s beautiful is that because of Jesus, we can embrace each and every one of the things we perceived as shameful. What I’m about to say may be hard to understand, but believe me when I say, it’s true. Everything you’ve endured and will encounter that appears to be working against you is an opportunity to strengthen you and glorify God. When you feel as though you’re caught in these cycles, and you’re feeling tossed by the winds, because of Christ, the healing you have prayed for can begin because the root of the problem is exposed. I had to think about why we can be so easily afraid of vulnerability when so many people say that it’s good for us. The truth is, we’re afraid to be vulnerable because it exposes what the enemy wants us to keep from God and he can continue to use it to keep us away from Him. Vulnerability allows what we’ve buried to come to the surface.

You don’t know that there are weeds on your lawn until you see the dandelions. Once those dandelions are above ground, they need to be weeded out before they take up the things which are good for your lawn to stay healthy. God wants to help us weed out the dandelions in our green pastures. And yes, God is all-knowing, yes God could just do all of that weeding without us putting any work in, but how would we grow in Him? How would we become equipped for the good work set before us? We can’t be in pursuit of our purpose and be dishonest with God. We have to point out the weeds, humble ourselves, and ask God to help us weed them out. Some things need to be revealed in order to heal, and that’s okay. That’s what the revelation is for. When you pray for healing, expect God to show you what’s really going on, so that you can show Him that you recognize what needs to be uprooted. As God calls you to go out and be great and make Jesus known, make known to Him the things which are preventing you from doing that to the best of your ability.

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Examining a King’s Words

Yes, this quote is about the revelation of one’s character in challenge, but I think it could also be extrapolated to our perception of

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What today looks like is not a determinant for tomorrow. My favourite thing about knowing the Lord is that every second is an opportunity

The first step in your relationship with Christ starts with identity. Tap in with our community!

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