Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

If the moonlight guides you when you seem to have lost your way, thank God. If you are overwhelmed by the beauty of the stars, that is God.


Disclaimer: God ≠ the Universe

If the moonlight guides you when you seem to have lost your way, thank God. If you are overwhelmed by the beauty of the stars, that is God.

Disclaimer: God ≠ universe, and the following is about other misconceptions and things you may or may not know or have realized.

Universe, noun. all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” -Genesis 1:1

By definition, the universe falls under the category of the heavens and the earth. This literally means that the universe, in all its glory, is God’s creation, which also means that the universe is subservient to God. The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars are subject to Him. They rise, shine and set all at His commands. I am stressing this because despite this knowledge that God is the creator of all things, literally creating the world as we know it from nothing, there is a propensity nowadays for us to acknowledge and thank the universe, the Sun, the Moon and Stars – literally any and everyone but God – when we accomplish something, when we get something we’ve been wanting, or when anything good happens. There is a belief that the universe acts on our behalf, the universe brings us good things, and that the universe blesses us, but that’s not the  way it works. If the Sun blesses you with its light, thank God. If the moonlight guides you when you seem to have lost your way, thank God. If you are overwhelmed by the beauty of the stars, that is God. God is the source of beauty, of blessings, and of good things.

While I am dispelling some misconceptions, there is just a little bit more ground to cover starting with everyone’s favorite word: manifesting. I’ve noticed that in some contexts, manifesting has seemed to replace prayer, but also, it seems that some believe that manifesting, which is to say desiring and speaking things into existence alone, will allow it to pass. But not only can manifestation alone not replace prayer, as it leaves out God, but simply desiring something does not make it happen. Life would be much different if things were that simple. Some would even thank the universe for giving them things that they have manifested, but as I addressed, earlier, the universe does not give anything without God, and the universe does not bless and bring good things – God does.

The universe doesn’t hear us manifesting things and give us those things that we desire, that we convince ourselves that we will into existence. God hears our prayers, He assesses His will and if those things we desire are in alignment with His will, then He allows it and wills it into existence. Not us. Manifestation is not, by any means, a bad word. That is not what I’m saying at all, but when it is in lieu of prayer and negates God’s power, role, and authority, then it becomes an impediment to the true plan and purpose God has for us.

Finally, I want to point out just two (of many phrases) that we use so frequently not knowing, or knowing that have Biblical roots. This’ll all make sense in a moment.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  • “And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” – Mark 12:31
  • “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” – Matthew 7:12

What goes around comes around.

  • “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” – Galatians 6:7

At the core of all these things – deferring to the universe, manifesting instead of praying, and changing the phrasing of things without acknowledging their origins are all efforts to push God out. We live in a world that is changing every day and while it changes, it is trying its best to leave God behind – in word and deed. The world may do that if it likes, but not only is such a pursuit foolish, we have to give credit where credit is due, which also comes from the Bible (*see Matthew 22:21). We also have to remember, leaving God out of a world He created is quite literally impossible. As my father taught me long ago, God is in everything. There are things we can avoid if we can help it but God, simply, is not one of those things and He never will be.

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