Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Word is Bond

Understand that being bound to God means not being bound to the things that keep you from being all that He’s designed you to be ...


Word is Bond

Understand that being bound to God means not being bound to the things that keep you from being all that He’s designed you to be ...

Word is bond. We’ve all heard it before, and we always believe this phrase when it comes to our friends and family, but what about the bond we have with God through His word? God is connected to everything because of His Word. He created everything with His word (John 1:1-3). He made a promise to His children through His Word. Our salvation was sealed with the words “It is finished.” Without the written word, we wouldn’t have a constant reminder of the bond God has created with us. We have been bound to the Father through the act of ultimate sacrificial love through Jesus’ death and resurrection. The bond of love, the agape love that is beyond comprehension, is the bond of perfection (Colossians 3:14). Because we are bonded to God through Christ, it is our duty to maintain that bond by means of our own personal sacrifice. This sacrifice consecrates us more and more as we aim to maintain this bond in our daily life. As you read the Word, you learn more about yourself. You can derive confidence and peace from it; this book of truth confirms the very things you aspire to be and it’s because the Father sees us as very good, this is the perspective we aim to have. Every day we tell ourselves that we are worthy and deserving. We tell ourselves that we are all of these good things, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s no why. There’s nothing attached to the reason that we are all the good things we try to convince ourselves of. We are because God is, and because Christ died for us. Because of Christ we are redeemed unto God and don’t have to seek the world for approval that keeps us in bondage. 

This world has a way of making us slip into thinking that in order to have value, we must be connected to the approval of others. This is how the spirit of comparison can jeopardize our relationship with Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians that if he were to continue pleasing man, he would not be a bondservant of Christ (Gal. 1:10). Living in a society where instant gratification has become a form of social currency, to live for the approval of God and not man sounds like a big ask, doesn’t it? But imagine if Jesus lived for the approval of man and not the Father… we wouldn’t have access to that bond of perfection! Now don’t get me wrong, I understand that sometimes we can struggle with wanting approval from others, but if we do our best to maintain this bond, these challenges we have become easier, and the want for that approval will decrease. It’s all about where you place value. If you value the opinion of those around you more than the One above you, then you must ask yourself what bonds God is asking you to break in order to be closer to Him. Understand that being bound to God means not being bound to the things that keep you from being all that He’s designed you to be. God wants to have a bond with us, not keep us bound. To be bound is to be kept by fear, but that is not the spirit we have received from the Father (Rom. 8:15). God has made a shared relationship accessible to us because He wants to bond with us.

Since the Word is where the bond begins, it’s where the bond must be planted. God’s word is an invaluable tool that keeps us connected to everything essential in order for us to be closer with Him. It’s a mirror into the depths of who we are, (James 4:23-24). The word ignites our faith (Romans 10:17) and helps us grow (Acts 19:20). But we can only access this growth through the Word if we hold up our end of the bargain. Word is bond isn’t just about what you say, it’s about your actions. What do you do that shows God and others that you have a bond with Him? The Word is described as the word of faith (Romans 10:8), and according to this word of faith, faith without works is dead. The bond could not have been made without action, and faith couldn’t be built without knowing the works of Jesus. Works are an essential part of strengthening the bond God has readily made available for us to adhere to. There will be times where faith is hard and you feel farther away from God than ever, but know that it’s not because He has left you, but rather, it is the enemy who is trying to pull you away from God. In order to get back to that bond, you must push against the enemy and pull out the word of God. The word of faith that strengthens the bond we have in Christ and weakens the bondage of sin. Word is bond, never underestimate its power, and most importantly, don’t take His bond for granted.

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