Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

Be Humble. Be Teachable.

As much as you’ve learned, always remember that it’s a gift to be taught. Possessing a teachable heart leaves so much room for God ...


Be Humble. Be Teachable.

As much as you’ve learned, always remember that it’s a gift to be taught. Possessing a teachable heart leaves so much room for God ...

I’m sure that, just like mine, your timelines have been flooded with graduation photos and announcements. You may even be the one sharing this exciting news with the viewers of your timeline. I’m privileged to join you in the virtual convocation ceremonies and other COVID-friendly celebrations to commemorate my own graduation, but as I ponder what’s to come and bask in this moment I’ve been waiting for, I’ve been humbled. Obtaining a degree is a great accomplishment, but moving on from academia doesn’t mean that there is nothing left for us to learn. There are a number of reasons why we, as believers, are called to be humble are endless, but today I want to hone in on one. A teachable spirit is one that not only shows humility, but it’s also one that is willing to obtain wisdom. Jesus is frequently referenced as a teacher, so surely, we as believers must be diligent in the constant learning process that comes with our faith journey.

As long as we remain humble, we are able to learn the ways of our Teacher (Ps. 25:9) and better exemplify the love of the Father; but if we allow achievements to make us forget that we still don’t know it all, and never will, we begin to operate on our own strength.

I’m not trying to put a damper on your season of celebration, but this is a lesson I had to learn from my first time I put on a cap and gown. I fell into the trap of thinking that I had attained all the knowledge I needed and could move forward on my own. I found out the hard way that I was totally wrong. However, this time around, I can’t help but think about how happy I am to be humbled. I don’t know about anyone else, but I can honestly say that this academic season was more difficult than the ones before. I was challenged in more ways than I can count and, I found that throughout these times, I was left with no other choice but to rely on God.  It happened so often that my reliance on Him stopped coming from a place of desperation, but from a place of faith because He brought me through every single time. I can’t help but be humbled by the way God graciously delivered me through this year, and because of this imprint of humility on my life, I’ve found joy in continuing life as a student under the teachings of Christ because of the grace I have from the Father.

As much as you’ve learned, always remember that it’s a gift to be taught. Possessing a teachable heart leaves so much room for God to move in our lives.

The word says that He will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go and that He will guide us with His eye (Ps. 32:8). To be teachable means we are guided down the path God has for us. With each step, we have nothing to fear because we walk by faith, trusting what God sees through His guiding eye. If He knows the plans He has for us and, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, to follow Him, even after we’ve achieved our goal, sounds like a no-brainer, right? I’ll keep it real and say that being teachable is going to be a constant effort, but you have the grace to be taught, instructed, and corrected. You have been given the grace to walk in humility as you continue to learn, and as you learn, God will prepare you as He leads you to the people, places, and opportunities He has destined for you. 

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