Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Sometimes we get so caught up in grindin’, that we forget about our faith. There are some things that God can only allow us to...


Life Will Be There When You Get Back

Sometimes we get so caught up in grindin’, that we forget about our faith. There are some things that God can only allow us to...

We live in a culture that prides itself on the hustle mentality. So many of us tend to struggle with whether or not we’re doing enough, or we struggle because we’re doing the most. Appearing as though we are booked and busy has become a glorified perspective in our culture, but it makes us bound to our work. Sure, the money is coming in, the ideas are flowing, the meetings are going well, but at some point, we should take a step back. The thought of stepping back might be a big step for you. You don’t want to leave your work unattended. Maybe you’re worried about who would pick up the slack while you’re away. I had similar thoughts when God made me realize that I had to unplug for a bit in order to seek Him. Sometimes we get so caught up in grindin’, that we forget about our faith. There are some things that God can only allow us to observe and overcome when we’re in a secret place, away from our To-Do List and distractions. I always find it funny when we try to rationalize time spent with God, as if it’s our time to begin with.

To be honest, I find that when I devote time to God, He allows me to get things done in a timely fashion in response to the love I’ve shown him through spending that time in His presence.

Don’t be deceived into thinking that you don’t have “enough time” to spend with God; it’s not about your time, it’s about prioritizing God. The things you tend to that you’re worried about leaving behind if you take a step back will keep you from experiencing intimacy with God. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t have to worry about those things because they’ll be waiting for you when you come back. Even Jesus had come to learn this in his own life. After being baptized, Jesus was led to the wilderness where he was tempted and was ministered by angels (Matt. 4, Mark 1, Luke 4). As soon as those forty days and nights went by, Jesus had faced the reality that His work was waiting upon His return. The same goes for us.

Don’t deny the green pastures, the still waters, or the secret places God is leading you to for the sake of your busy schedule.

If you’re being led there, it’s probably an indication that there’s work He wants to do in you, and why wouldn’t we want that? Whether it be a fast from social media or technology entirely. Whether it be an hour, a day, or a week, sacrificing what seems to take up most of your time to spend it with the One who freely gives us all things (Rom.8:32) can only be a good investment of that time. You can choose to step back daily for a period of time or some other regular time to seek God with no distractions, but make sure that it becomes a non-negotiable factor in your life. You can trust Him to handle what you’ve left behind. Life will be there when you come back.

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