I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

I’m Glad I’m Not Good

It’s God’s strength working in us to ensure that no matter how many times we feel we’re missing the mark, it’s not by our own power or might ...


I’m Glad I’m Not Good

It’s God’s strength working in us to ensure that no matter how many times we feel we’re missing the mark, it’s not by our own power or might ...

I think it’s safe to say that we all want to see ourselves as good people. And if we do, there are times when we think about the wrong we’ve done, our imperfections, and the ways we don’t always measure up. No matter how high we climb, our fall from grace seems like it’s around the corner. Sometimes, it’s hard being a believer, especially because we trying to represent Christ everywhere we go with a heightened awareness of our faults. Withholding unforgiveness in our hearts as we give to the poor. If we’re speaking rudely to our loved ones, but going to Bible Study, our goodness isn’t consistent. But what if I told you we had a reason to have joy despite our imperfections? That we don’t have to put the pressure on ourselves to present ourselves as good people? That embodying goodness isn’t something we develop by our own power, but a God-given nature we are called to show others as we partner with Him to maintain it? I know this may sound backwards, but we can be glad that we’re not-so-good, because goodness works in us, and at some point, it comes out if we allow it to.

When we come to terms with our sins, it can be easy to identify with them, thinking that we’re only good for letting God down and that’s it, but that’s not true.

When sin shows up, so does God’s grace and love for us. We have the beautiful opportunity to look once again at Christ when things get tough and when we feel inadequate because He is in us. As believers, we go through it!

There are many battles the world doesn’t see or understand because the world doesn’t operate in the same Spirit that we do. Sometimes, we feel like a burden if we share within our Christian circle that we’re going through a tough time, or maybe that we don’t feel like we’re bearing God’s image as well as we could be. In the midst of those feelings, you can count on the fact that it’s for God’s glory to shine through you. When we face persecution, feel weak, experience difficulty, or are feeling distressed as we aim to live like Jesus, we can tap into God’s unfailing strength.

In 2 Corinthians 12:10 (AMP), The Apostle Paul said: “So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength].”

Philippians 2:13 says that “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” It’s God’s strength working in us to ensure that no matter how many times we feel we’re missing the mark, it’s not by our own power or might that we can be good not only to the world but in God’s eyes.

God works in us because He wants to. He placed us here to be His reflection, His hands, and feet, here on Earth to show and tell of His goodness. But we can’t do that if we don’t see that we, in our human nature, are born in sin and wrapped in flesh (Romans 5:12), aren’t so good after all. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad that I’m not good, because I get to see God’s goodness actively at work within me and through me, and with the right perspective you can too. We may not be good all the time, but thankfully, God is, and not only does He want to show you that, but He also wants to show others that through you as well. Don’t use your shortcomings as an excuse to beat yourself up or think low of yourself, but see that there’s an opportunity for His goodness to shine through and work with Him to maintain that.

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