Lately, I’ve been on a new journey with God, trying to figure out what His definition for my current season of life is. I have yet to understand it in totality. But while going through this limbo period, God has caught my heart to teach me of its significance. I know the saying goes you should ‘follow your heart’, but I’m not sure people mean what God meant by it.

The Bible talks of guarding the heart, for from it are the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). It is a serious thing for God to point out exactly where things of your life flow from – the last time He let man in on such weighty secrets, the serpent tricked Eve into eating the fruit. (I can see now why the enemy is seriously after the states of our hearts.) 

After serious conversations with God, I finally get it. The heart is like a woman’s womb – only in the spiritual realm. It is the place of conception. Whatever makes its way into your heart will be introduced into your world. Ideally, the only sane, safe, and proven way of bringing a baby into the world is through conception and birth. In the same way, the only way to bring into reality the things of the spirit into the physical is through a similar process. The difference is the organ of use. 

Isn’t it funny that the same heart is considered deceitful? (Jeremiah 17:9). There is no surprise there – the heart is indeed deceitful if you conceive evil in it. In the end, you can only birth what you have conceived. A deceitful reality, one full of lies, is the outcome of a conception of mischief and evil (Psalms 7:14).

The good news is that the opposite is also true. If you are to conceive a good seed, then, by all means, your births will be marked by incredible realities. So really, the matter is in what you allow your heart to conceive.

The truth is that you can only be mindful of the seed you conceive when you truly understand that your heart is fertile soil. On such high levels of fertility, you are guaranteed a harvest – in 30, 60, and even 100 fold. If that be the case, you should be hesitant to conceive evil, lest you yield a harvest of blatant mischief and lies. (Besides, God is very clear on reaping what you sowed – He cannot be mocked Galatians 6:7).

You should believe me now when I tell you that your realities reflect a lot about the condition of your heart. Out of the abundance of your heart, your mouth will speak. And whatever your tongue speaks has the power of life and death. Do you see how it all comes around? You can create a new reality, with your mouth from your heart – this is what culture will call manifestation (but if we are honest, there is nothing new under the sun. The Bible said it first!). 

So, before you go all wild trying to manifest a perfect reality, consider this: your biggest assignment is to guard your heart and beware of your conceptions. If you will watch what seeds you receive, you can control what your heart conceives, what your mouth declares, and also the reality you birth. Since the Bible talks of God’s word as being the seed, then you know where to go searching for the right conception. If it is not the word of God, even though it is the fact, it is not truth. Any other seed that is contrary to God’s word is the seed that will create a mischievous reality. 

Perhaps now you can grasp the essence of partnering with God for a high-quality seed. That you would let Him search your heart so you can receive the fruit of your deeds (Jeremiah 17:10).

Scripture Reading: Psalm 7:14; Proverbs 4:23 ; Jeremiah 17:9-10 ; Galatians 6:7

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