Usain Bolt didn’t just wake up one day and reached his goal of breaking a track record. He worked towards it each day until he got it. He took it one day at a time.
Usain Bolt - Steven Zwerink
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Usain Bolt - Steven Zwerink


Usain Bolt didn’t just wake up one day and reached his goal of breaking a track record. He worked towards it each day until he got it. He took it one day at a time.
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Yeah, you read that right…2019 is already almost over unless you get through the New Year’s resolution hangover. Remember when the year began and you said “tomorrow I’m going to..” well there has been about 27 tomorrows and now you gotta ask yourself what you are doing today. Trust me, I understand that the process of having 365 days to accomplish a goal seems daunting, but we have to start doing things today instead of next year. Just know that every positive action you do does have positive implications that you may not see until next year, but it is up to us to focus our fervor and our ambitions for the year in each day.

Usain Bolt didn’t just wake up one day and reached his goal of breaking a track record. He worked towards it each day until he got it. He took it one day at a time. For us that are in school, taking things one day at a time seems impossible. Especially with having an essay due week 5 and a midterm week 8 – if anything, it’s easier to live life week by week. Although living life one day at a time isn’t easy, once you realize the importance of it, and how it even has an impact on the way you approach your life goals, then you will be willing to learn how to do it. And once you have that down packed, you’ll be more willing to work towards/complete your goals everyday you wake up!

I know I am not perfect, but I can say that everyday this year I have done one more positive thing than the last. Self-belief starts with self for a reason. Its okay if you do not see the results now, rather, focus on making sure the  mentality of doing and moving forward dictates how you accomplish those goals you have for yourself. I am not your parent, you do not even know who I am, but you do know the dreams and goals you have for yourself. Wake up each morning with a mindset that is excited to be productive. So if you haven’t heard it since New Years… YOU CAN DO IT! Even though it’s one day at a time, be aware of the days, because like I said, 2019 is almost over, what have you done? Finish the race.

So let’s do a little challenge. Tonight (sunday night) think about one of the goals you gave yourself this week, then write it down in your planner (or anywhere else you check often). After that, write down what you will do each day to work towards that goal. That means there needs to be something for 6 days of the week (Mon-Sat). Force it into your busy schedule, tell yourself that this will now be apart of my day, it will happen. Then…do it. Tell us how it goes! Did you do something everyday? How did you feel from Sunday to Sunday? How well did this work for you? Let us know how you faired in the comment section next week Sunday.

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