... I want to tell everyone in the Muslim community that I love you. You are creations of God, created in His image and likeness, just like us Christians. You don’t deserve the hate and massacres – you deserve respect.


... I want to tell everyone in the Muslim community that I love you. You are creations of God, created in His image and likeness, just like us Christians. You don’t deserve the hate and massacres – you deserve respect.


In case it wasn’t clear already, I was born in a Christian household. I’m a PK (pastor’s kid). My dad is the Head Pastor of my church, and my momma is the first lady. I grew up in the way that my parents knew I should go and since then I have not departed from it.

While growing up in a Christian household I was taught to love everyone. It didn’t matter if they were my friend or enemy – you treat everyone with respect, even if it’s not reciprocated. That’s what my Bible said – turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor – the whole shabang.

So you could imagine how confused I was as a child to find out that slave masters would use the Bible to brainwash their slaves into thinking God created them to be subservient. Or when I found out that many Africans were forced into accepting Christianity as their belief. It was hard to sit through learning about all the wars and imperialist ventures that came about from Europeans who used the Bible as means of justification. I was so confused, and quite honestly, I know I wasn’t the only one.

Thankfully, I read the Bible and found out the truth – and by doing that I became able to point out the lies. Many white supremacists have tried to use the Bible to justify their disgusting, inhumane, savage-like, sinful actions throughout history. And let me just say that they have been hypocrites, liars, demons if you will. Truly people who are evil, then try to purposely misinterpret the Bible to justify their actions so they could sleep well at night. I don’t expect you to read the Bible cover-to-cover, but please don’t automatically believe people that quote the Bible in hateful rhetoric. Anything can be taken out of context – and I mean anything.

I woke up Saturday morning, I hopped on Twitter and I saw all the news on the Muslim mosques massacre. I was speechless. 49 dead? For what? And of course the killer was a white supremacist. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you get Australian Senator, Fraser whatever, write out a statement about how everything could have been avoided if Muslims weren’t immigrating to Australia and New Zealand in the first place. And to add the cherry on top, he pulls the textbook white supremacist move by quoting a part of the Bible.

So what do I have to say about this? I say that people like Fraser and anyone that agrees with him have a long way to go in this life, and God is here to judge them. Vengeance is His (shoutout to eggboy though).

What I really want to say in this post is addressed to the Muslim community. No, I don’t believe what you believe. And our beliefs have had our history – but I want to tell everyone in the Muslim community that I love you. You are creations of God, created in His image and likeness, just like us Christians. You don’t deserve the hate and massacres – you deserve respect. I love you, and on behalf of UN-ASSOCIATED, we send our condolences to the families who lost someone.

My prayers go out – because prayer does work – and furthermore, we pray that the write action be taken by New Zealand and other nations to make things like this stop happening.



A Blog Post by Emmanuel Iheke

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Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

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