But when He doesn’t answer our prayer or we don’t get the job in the time that we think He should, we accuse Him of not listening ...



But when He doesn’t answer our prayer or we don’t get the job in the time that we think He should, we accuse Him of not listening ...

“God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all he has done”

-Ecclesiastes 3:11

We often grow impatient waiting for God to answer this prayer or get us that job. But when He doesn’t answer our prayer or we don’t get the job in the time that we think He should, we accuse Him of not listening or worse, being late. But He is incapable of tardiness. How you may ask? I will provide an example. Like a child that plays in a dollhouse, yet holds no residence there, God does not live within the confines of time. He exists outside of it. In all actuality, He dwells in eternity. Time is defined as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. But the definition lacks the inclusion of the fact that time is a construct given to us by God so that we may operate, but He is not constrained to it because His realm and existence is in eternity. Now, knowing that God is not confined to time while we are bound by it, how can we trust His plan, His will, and His ability to come through for us?

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” – Romans 8:28

While this scripture is illuminating the inherent perfection of God’s plan, as well as its inability to be deterred, it is also a further substantiation of God’s impeccable purpose. When we pray for something or to get through something, we believe it is in that moment that God begins to intercede on our behalf and when His work begins. But His will is already done and His plan complete. The door of opportunity, healing, and blessing is already there, and prayer is just our key to opening it up. He has already solved the issues of our time and circumstance. To truly trust God’s plan is to understand that everything works together for good. We do not need to see the blueprints to trust the plan, but we do need to have faith. As stated in the first scripture, we do not have the resources or faculties to fathom or comprehend the mind or plan of God, but we do have a reference point. That reference point is His perfect track record. God does not operate in time and yet, He has the greatest propensity to bless us at the exact moment we need it. God transcends the 24 hours in a day that we have and when He acts, we know it. He is the ultimate strategist. He may not always do, in fact, he never does what we expect or even what we believe in our minds, he should have done, and thank God He doesn’t because He brings about on-time wins, every time.

But remember, what we perceive as being on time is often never the time we believe it needs to be. We rush God to accomplish things and answer our prayers in the time that someone else gave us or in an arbitrary timetable we decided and more often than not, that timetable pales in comparison to God and we receive an even greater blessing than we anticipated and that is the Power of God and that’s what makes Him God! He supersedes time and yet, is incapable of being tardy or missing the mark, so when we pray, when we are in pursuit of something and we seek Him, there is no reason to fear or fret because He understands the assignment, He created the assignment for you, and we know what the scriptures above tell us and most importantly, His word shall never return unto Him void.

Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:11 ; Isaiah 55:11 Romans 8:28

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