I go to Calvary Baptist Church in LA. My church has a worship leader that is out of this world, and his name is Roman. Roman knows how to get the spirit moving in the room – like every Sunday! I would always think to myself how he was able to be in the mood to go on stage and lead worship every week. If you think about it – someone in his position has a lot of responsibility on him to help set the mood for the congregation. If his mood is off, a lot of moods can be off. But this past Sunday Roman put an end to my pondering when he told us all about how “out of it” he felt that morning. He was completely transparent, and said that he had a rough morning – but he decided to be in the attitude of worship. He decided to be in the attitude of worship FIRST, and his feelings soon caught up to his intentional mood. After that, he, once again, led the congregation into a spirit-filled worship time.
Attitude. We’ve all heard the phrase: “attitude determines your altitude”. I’m here to say that this statement is fax – no printer. I’m learning the importance of intentionality. We sometimes need to be intentional about what thoughts we allow to consume our mind, and what voices and circumstances we allow to change our perception of the world. Our attitudes need to be intentional.
At this point, whether you are on the semester system or the quarter system – everybody is back in school. For majority of us – school suuuuucks. Like – no joke. Then there’s some of us that need to juggle school and sports, or school and a job, or school and a club, or school and a lifestyle media platform on the side. We all got our side hustle, or extracurriculars, our responsibilities both academically and non-academically – in short, we all have a lot on our plate. It can all be overwhelming, and I’m not writing this piece to act like I have all the answers. But one thing I know for a fact is that if you approach something with the right attitude, it gets easier, even if it’s a little bit.
Next time you’re overwhelmed remind yourself that you are capable. Remind yourself of how dope you are. Don’t doubt your abilities, exhibit them. After a long day, rather than sulking in how tired you are, pat yourself on the back for accomplishing everything you did. Find the silver lining in everything.
On my wall, there is a Muhammed Ali poster, and a part of the quote reads “the will must be stronger than the skill”. This is what makes a champion: the will, the approach, the attitude. We all back in school – let’s accomplish everything we can.