What Happened on November 16th?

There is something about authentic service that God adores. It’s what He wants us all to do. Serve. He blesses those that serve.

What Happened on November 16th?

There is something about authentic service that God adores. It’s what He wants us all to do. Serve. He blesses those that serve.


On November 16th, 2019 – I had one of the best nights of my entire life. It was the night of the 3rd one – the 3rd Poetry Jam – what has become a trademark Un-Associated event. Weeks leading up to this day were filled with many highs and lows. They were filled with the times when I felt on top of the entire world, and days I felt like I was helplessly buried alive. Such has been the tale of the year for me. Challenge after challenge, followed by victory after victory or lesson after lesson. It’s come to a point where I don’t know if there’s anything left in life that could surprise me (*knock on wood). November 16th, wasn’t a buried alive day – it wasn’t even an “on top of the world day”. It was a day unlike any one that has ever existed or one that will ever exist. 

I sat down with the UCLA event programmers and they told me that the event would have to be on November 16th, 4 weeks away from that day. At the moment I was thankful for securing a venue, but also scared that I wouldn’t have enough time to plan and execute a proper marketing campaign for the event. Those fears were followed by more of course, ones revolving around the following: Could we book the live band like we always do? Could we get shirts printed? What if there’s another special event that day? How many likes will the flier get? Will people audition? Make rehearsals? Show up?

The crazy thing is, fear doesn’t have to be logical to exist. And conversely, neither does the existence of my miracle-working and intentional God. I can go down the entire list of things that went wrong or came close to failing leading up to that event – but all of it had been overshadowed by the presence of God hijacking November 16th. 

Amidst all the fear in preparation – there was a thought that kept me at bay. I knew that of all the things November 16th was gonna be – it would definitely be an offering to God. This time it wasn’t gonna be about how many people show up, it was gonna be about doing what He asked of me. It was gonna be about serving anyone who cared to show up. It was gonna be about doing what the company was created for – inspiring, uplifting. Whether it would be the best thing to ever hit campus, or the most chaotic show to ever exist – it would be a show where no one would leave the same. This was the decision, this was the prayer – and on November 16th, it was answered.

There is something about authentic service that God adores. It’s what He wants us all to do. Serve. He blesses those that serve. I’m a witness. He doesn’t want you worrying about your future, your family, your school work, your life – He wants to take care of you so you can help Him take care of other people.

November 16th was a blessed day without our biggest and best marketing ideas, nor t shirts being on sale at the event, nor a full band set. It was a blessed day because God showed up along with everyone else, and took the driver’s seat. The poets were vulnerable, musicians were inspirational, the night was intimate. I couldn’t ask for more that night. When you do things for the right reason, with the right mindset, with the right attitude – God sees it and in due time…He blesses it.

A Blog Post by Emmanuel Iheke

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Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

Un-Associated, LLC’s mission is to create a space where young people can define themselves separate from the thing they go through, the labels the world gives them, and their own wins and losses. We want to teach the entire world how to live the “un-associated life”.