I recently came across an interesting post on social media that shifted something in my spirit, and I thought I should share the experience.

Have you ever thought about what makes the difference between “friends of God” and “children of God”? Sonship is a gift to the believers – since we have been adopted into a new family. However, friendship with God speaks to a new level of intimacy that very few seem to have achieved. I was thinking about Abraham, one of the men that the Bible refers to as a friend of God. While he has much to be praised for, his friendship with God is today’s focal point.

Once upon a time (Genesis 18:1-8), Abraham was minding his business at the entrance of his tent when three men showed up. He identifies them as angels, even calling one of them “my lord”. Afterward, he offers to make them a meal, instead of having them just pass by. When the meal was ready, Abraham served them and watched them eat. There is much more to the story as it progresses, but this part spoke to me.

Abraham was just pleased to sit and enjoy the presence of those men. He prepared them a meal, then sat aside and watched them. This whole time, Abraham had the revelation that the Lord was among them. Yes still, he did not ask for anything. If this were you, would you be pleased to just sit with the Lord – no questions asked? 

If we are honest, an encounter with the Lord almost always translates to a miracle or a promise in our minds. It’s more like the only expectation we have of God is that He must do something amazing for Him to continue to be relevant in our lives. In His essence, God is good. Therefore, His presence brings forth good news. In this story of Abraham, the Lord does announce a promise to be fulfilled in its time. But even without the promise, Abraham was simply pleased to have served the men and watched them enjoy.

Think about that for a second. Do you enjoy God’s company? Does your heart desire encounters with Him more than His presence? I guess there is a reason God was also praising David as a man after His own Heart. David said that he would rather a day in God’s presence than 1000 elsewhere (Psalm 84:10). For a king with access to plenty of territories, this says a lot.

After being charged up by the post I saw online, I realized that my heart’s posture has been wrong. I have constantly desired to hear from God as assurance that He is still with me, and is willing and able to make my life better. While all that is true, it is a disservice to His essence if all He can offer me is miracles and promises.

Instead, God offers His friendship to the righteous. He offers fellowship. If anyone is willing, they can receive the friendship of God. The kind where silence is as beautiful as the outpouring of His promises. The kind where you can serve God, sit, and watch Him enjoy your service without desiring anything in return.

Even then, God is still a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Therefore, sitting with God in silence will always come with benefits. His goodness will overflow when you are just existing in His space. This goodness will flow as promises, gifts, and miracles. However, that cannot be the disposition of your heart. That cannot be all you desire.

Instead, spend some time with your Father without anticipating anything from Him. Enjoy His presence even in the silence. If you do, you will figure out that a date with your Father is not that bad after all! 

Scripture Reading: Genesis 18:1-8; Psalm 84:10

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