In Me

 A new creation

Christ Jesus

Purchased my Salvation

Costing more than

My past identification

The old me

Filled and shapen in iniquity

The root of the toxicity

From Adam to me


I wasn’t just saved

But armored

God protecting me

From the angel dishonored

2022 – a year of change

Though I stumbled

My identity remained the same

A new creation

Cleansed by the blood

2023, will be a testimony

By which we overcome

This poem above is the full realm of what being a new creation in Christ is. In the beginning, we see the inspiration drawn from the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians. “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”( 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT) If you are like me, this verse is good to hear but hard to conceptualize because we recognize our imperfections. You gave your life to Christ but still have the same temptations. Or maybe you have been a believer for some time now and have recently done something that you know you shouldn’t have. But, towards the middle of the poem, you see that God protects us and that inspiration comes from Ephesians about the full armor of God. “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you can resist the enemy in the time of evil”(Ephesians 6:13-18 NLT). We are to fight all the attempt and strategies of the enemyto pull us back to operating in the old man. Towards the end, we identify that ‘God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.’(Ephesians 2:8 NLT) This salvation is a gift, you didn’t earn it. Lastly, whatever is waiting in 2023, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11 NLT) of what has taken place in 2022. So instead of trying to justify your worth and define yourself by your falls and errors, declare the identity God has given you for 2023. 

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The first step in your relationship with Christ starts with identity. Tap in with our community!

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