Happy Women’s History Month to all the queens worldwide! I hope everyone is intentionally taking time to remember the lovely ladies in your lives, reminding them how much they mean to you and thanking them for all the contributions they’ve made to you and others countless times.

In the beginning, God made man and breathed life into his nostrils, made all the separations and sections of the Earth that we currently see, and created all the species on Earth. And after all of that extraordinary creation of masterpieces, God realized something was missing. Women. So God took, “…the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made him a woman, and brought her unto the man”(Genesis 2:22). Between the time that this took place until currently, women have done a multitude of significant things.

Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks, the first individuals to protest the, Black people sitting n the back of the bus movement, these women were the burning torches that set off the Civil Rights movement in the late 1950’s. They played a significant part in the progress the African-American community sees today. Without them, there is no equality for us.

Another great woman who played an important part in everyone’s life was Mary, Jesus’s very own mother. Without her, there would be no Jesus; she gave birth to our greatest Savior who made the ultimate sacrifice. There are many women who have made a great sacrifice and added to the well-being of others and society, such as the likes of Harriet Tubman, Madam C. J. Walker, etc., all bluntly signifying how great, strong, and courageous women truly are.

Society subjectively deems men as stronger or better than women by default. I understand in some instances, like physically for example, but God blessed me with a role model, a physical representation of what true strength is. That was in my mother, a woman. I know no one stronger on this green and blue Earth. Without her, I am nothing. A woman who goes above and beyond to please and take care of everyone else’s needs above her own. A person who wouldn’t let a soul know she’s hurting or tired. She just continues on like the soldier she is.

Because of her, I began to notice the strength and beauty that all women hold, especially the ones in my life and that I hold dear.

It’s been due to a variety of women that I’ve gotten to the heights and achieved the accomplishments I have in my lifetime. It was a woman who raised me, it was a woman who taught me how to be a man, it was a woman who led me to my dream career of one day becoming a mental health therapist. Finally, it’s a woman who makes me see the beauty in the madness that we call life. So when I say women rock, I mean this from the bottom of my heart. YOU ALL DO!

I know many individuals have the same story or views about women in their own lives; that women played a huge and significant part in who they are and how they carry themselves. And without them, they wouldn’t be who they are today. I want to say God knew what He was doing when He made all of you, when He put you in people’s lives for certain reasons and purposes and blessed you with the gifts that you all bless others with in whatever fashion that may be.

Lastly, I want to salute and applaud all women worldwide for being you. HAPPY WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH!

Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:22

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