At the Breaking Point

Learning How Strong You Really Are

By Amahd Bey

      Life is hard, and sometimes giving up seems easy but it isn’t. The point you just reached is known as a breaking point, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to break.  The breaking point is really just the end of one mindset and the beginning of another. In video games, they call it leveling up, others call it “bossing up” but  nonetheless, you are just on your way to bettering yourself.   


         Many people use their “breaking point” as an excuse to justify why they came short of their goals, but you aren’t one of those people. Your breaking point is just a point in which you take the opportunity to push through the ceilings that have been formed so that you can create a new, stronger, and modern foundation that will support you until you get ready to level up again


Success – however you define it – comes only with pushing your limits, either within yourself or the workforce. When you reach a breaking point in your career, it is a test of faith and endurance. You have to prove yourself to your superiors and mentors in order to validate the dedication and skill set you have. Now when you push yourself, again, regardless of how you do so, the breaking point signifies your past limitations, and pushing through that will show you how strong you actually are, and not how strong you thought you were. 


The feeling you have after pushing through all obstacles and knowing you’re a stronger and better person than you originally thought, is rewarding and worth it all. In the moment you may lose sight of your goals because of how you feel, but don’t let that moment of feelings deter you from your overall emotions. Just because you feel “over it” right now, doesn’t diminish the love you have for it, and you will miss what you gave up on when you give in and succumb to your breaking point. This is why it is vital to continue to push yourself. You will have no other option but to elevate. 


Pushing through the breaking point is imperative. You begin to test your strength and you elevate yourself in the process. This can be physically, mentally, or financially relevant.  The mindset that you develop in the process of pushing past your breaking point molds the new you in regards to your perspective on the world and others in it. Growth in any, and every way, is something to be proud of and something to be sought after. In order to persevere, it takes a special person – a person who will do what it takes to make their goals happen, make their dreams a reality, and make their ceiling their new floor to leap from. You are one of these special people, so remember why it is important for you to push yourself even when it seems like you are at your breaking point.

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Most importantly, there is enough space and mercy for me to make mistakes. He does not demand perfection, only our heart, and …

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Most importantly, there is enough space and mercy for me to make mistakes. He does not demand perfection, only our heart, and …

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The patience I had last year was sufficient for the situation I was in at the time, but now, more is required for where I am now …

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However, our relationship with God requires partnership with Him, wherein we willfully allow God to lead us, no matter how busy or distracting …

Fire Relief Resources + Spreadsheet for Families in Need

Craft Artists Emergency Relief Grants California Fire Foundation’s Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) Program Eaton Fire Relief for Families Spreadsheet (GoFundMe Pages) Emergency Housing Request FEMA Disaster Assistance Fire

Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

Un-Associated, LLC’s mission is to create a space where young people can define themselves separate from the thing they go through, the labels the world gives them, and their own wins and losses. We want to teach the entire world how to live the “un-associated life”. 


Learning how strong you really are.


Amahd Bey

June 6th, 2019

      Life is hard, and sometimes giving up seems easy but it isn’t. The point you just reached is known as a breaking point, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to break.  The breaking point is really just the end of one mindset and the beginning of another. In video games, they call it leveling up, others call it “bossing up” but  nonetheless, you are just on your way to bettering yourself.   


         Many people use their “breaking point” as an excuse to justify why they came short of their goals, but you aren’t one of those people. Your breaking point is just a point in which you take the opportunity to push through the ceilings that have been formed so that you can create a new, stronger, and modern foundation that will support you until you get ready to level up again


Success – however you define it – comes only with pushing your limits, either within yourself or the workforce. When you reach a breaking point in your career, it is a test of faith and endurance. You have to prove yourself to your superiors and mentors in order to validate the dedication and skill set you have. Now when you push yourself, again, regardless of how you do so, the breaking point signifies your past limitations, and pushing through that will show you how strong you actually are, and not how strong you thought you were. 


The feeling you have after pushing through all obstacles and knowing you’re a stronger and better person than you originally thought, is rewarding and worth it all. In the moment you may lose sight of your goals because of how you feel, but don’t let that moment of feelings deter you from your overall emotions. Just because you feel “over it” right now, doesn’t diminish the love you have for it, and you will miss what you gave up on when you give in and succumb to your breaking point. This is why it is vital to continue to push yourself. You will have no other option but to elevate. 


Pushing through the breaking point is imperative. You begin to test your strength and you elevate yourself in the process. This can be physically, mentally, or financially relevant.  The mindset that you develop in the process of pushing past your breaking point molds the new you in regards to your perspective on the world and others in it. Growth in any, and every way, is something to be proud of and something to be sought after. In order to persevere, it takes a special person – a person who will do what it takes to make their goals happen, make their dreams a reality, and make their ceiling their new floor to leap from. You are one of these special people, so remember why it is important for you to push yourself even when it seems like you are at your breaking point.

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Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

Un-Associated, LLC’s mission is to create a space where young people can define themselves separate from the thing they go through, the labels the world gives them, and their own wins and losses. We want to teach the entire world how to live the “un-associated life”.