Make Use of Your Refuge

The Bible describes God as our refuge time and time again, but when life hits us, we’re so quick to forget that …

Diligence Is Our Duty

This means that diligence is proof of being set apart in Christ and shows God our dedication to the call He has placed on our lives…

Reveal to Heal

Everything you’ve endured and will encounter that appears to be working against you is an opportunity to …

Word is Bond

Understand that being bound to God means not being bound to the things that keep you from being all that He’s designed you to be …

Help My Unbelief

There’s something I want you to know. I want you to know that even on the days your belief is lacking, God’s word will never lack in truth …

Walking In and As the Light

I can let my light shine no matter where I am. It may feel uncomfortable, but light was created to stand out from the darkness …

Shh! God is Talking

When we’re constantly putting our thoughts on display for the validation of others, life can get so loud that we don’t hear God when He speaks to us …

Power Activated!

I understood that I have a God-given purpose, but I had dismissed the authority given to me through Jesus, and I hadn’t truly activated it …