UA Archive: Elevation Without Qualification

When God blesses us with positions we don’t deserve, it’s hard for us to feel confident in spaces we don’t feel qualified to be in. How do we navigate these situations?

Signs of the Times

Throughout the ups and downs our country and our world has faced over the last half year, certain sentiments have become so common…

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Because his love is unconditional, we remain cherished no matter what decisions we make. God’s love is consistent even when we are not…

Landscape Your Life

Sometimes, we unknowingly make room for people in our lives that are going to hold us back. We let them take over, which is hard to see at times because people can be…

Zoom Bombing; Bringing it to Attention

I continued to see posts from students attending various colleges where “Zoom Bombing” was taking place. I began to see students outraged on social media…

The Significance in Resisting Temptations

Being a college student, and just a young adult in general brings a life full of temptations. There are so many things that we haven’t explored yet and so many things we can’t let go of. Our hope is…

The Dangers of the Benefit of the Doubt

Despite life’s difficulties, we must hold each other accountable in ways that encourage changes in behavior that benefit not only that person, but also the people around them.