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Amahd Bey
Oct. 26th, 2018

The grind is one of life’s most challenging, tedious, and frustrating blessings. The grind is what builds character, the grind is what lays the foundation for your lifestyle, and the grind forces you to grow as a person simultaneously with the growth of your endeavors. Although you may feel as if you are drained from life itself, it is vital to continue to push forward, to persevere through adversity, and to grind past your own disbelief in yourself.

Believe it or not, your biggest obstacle is yourself. You cannot be afraid to do and be your best self if you want to get far in life. In order to find that inner light we all have, it takes hard work and persistence. Through the grind, it forces you to develop habits that translate into other aspects of life. These habits start to become a part of you and others will see it in the way you carry yourself. The hardest part about the grind is that voice in the back of your head persuading you to give up or take it easy, but the grind calls you to block all of that out in order to achieve your goal – no matter what that goal may be.

Once these goals become tangible as the product of the grind, the blessings and the feelings that come with these achievements become even more meaningful. You will soon begin to associate that feeling of success with the grind itself because you understand that the grind is what brought it about. You will start looking for the big picture – changing your perspective on life. After a while, the most challenging, tedious, and frustrating processes of your life will become simpler, more joyful, and easier to deal with because you found the beauty in the grind, which will unconsciously translate into other processes in your life.

Life’s biggest blessing is the ability to grow: mentally, physically, spiritually, etc. And although this is true, the best things in life aren’t free. They require time, they require genuineness, they require work. In order to grow, you have to go through the lows and the highs of life. It is important to understand how you feel at your lowest to appreciate when you’re at your best, and it is important to know what it feels like to be your best so that when you feel low you know it’s only temporary. While at your lowest, it’s important to trust in yourself and your abilities.

The beauty in life only comes with certain perspectives – the same perspectives that are only obtainable through the grind. The grind is what molds you. The grind helps you understand. The grind helps you grow. It makes you realize that it is okay to feel low, and assists in understanding that you are not that feeling; instead the feeling is what fuels the fire in you to be the best you. The beauty behind the grind is that it teaches us how to be gratified, but not satisfied.

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