Between a TV Screen and a Hard Place

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. I know people who are coping with this still new reality in various ways ...

Between a TV Screen and a Hard Place

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. I know people who are coping with this still new reality in various ways ...

Many people are using the stay-at-home orders from their local governments to take up new hobbies, try new recipes and overall just put their energy into tasks that they never have had the time to do before. While some people are thriving during this time and encouraging others to use their time wisely, that is not the reality for everyone. Some people are having some very dark days while in their homes. We are living in a time when thousands of people are dying, physical access to your loved ones is limited and the economy is taking a turn for the worst. This is enough to cause depression and anxiety for a lot of people, and even suicidal thoughts. Not being happy and upbeat every day of quarantine does not mean that something is wrong with you. 

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. I know people who are coping with this still new reality in various ways. I have a friend who has made a list of long term and short term goals for herself so that she can feel productive. I have a friend that has taken up crocheting and knitting because she needed something tangible to do to take her mind off the state of the world. I have one friend who is obsessed with the news and watches every Covid-19 update. I have one friend who can’t watch the news at all because it makes him sad. I even have a friend who has cried everyday since this started. There is not a perfect way to react to what is going on. 

Before you post trying to force others into productivity or condemning people that are not taking the same actions that you are…don’t. People are really facing depression. I had to change the layout of my apartment so that I could get out of my own depression. Like I have said in past articles, my first semester at law school was very hard and I did fall into a depression. During that semester, I spent most of my time in my room. During the first few weeks of the stay-at-home orders, I once again spent a lot of time in my room. I felt myself going back to that depressive state, so I reorganized my room, tried to spend most of my day in the living room and only go to my bed when I was ready to go to sleep. Depression during this time is real! Just because a person is not sick or doesn’t have the virus does not mean that they are okay. 

Many people are having a hard time. It is important to focus on kindness right now. A video chat, text or call checking in on someone, may just be what a person needs to get through their week. Don’t force yourself to be crazy productive during this time if that is not what you are ready for. Be kind to others and yourself. You are not alone. 

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