Conceive It In Your Heart

I know the saying goes you should ‘follow your heart’, but I’m not sure people mean what God meant by it …

The Art of Letting It Go

Anger has led me to do or say things that I always regret. Anger has done this to plenty of us. Anger has started wars, destroyed relationships …

Your Weapon In Warfare

If we are all looking to strengthen our relationships with God, then wouldn’t it kind of be a no-brainer for us to spend time in His word each day?

New Wine, New Season

Make room for new thoughts, new habits, and new lifestyles. Let the stretch of change allow God to prune you and give a glimpse of the …

There’s Beauty in the Sadness

For the longest time, I kept that Christian smile plastered on to save face when in actuality, I felt horrible. All because I didn’t want to …

Making the Right Choice

But the one thing I forgot in the midst of all of this, and maybe you have too, is that we control how we react to these …

Did I Stumble Upon My Purpose?

Some of us are able to better identify our purpose easier than others, and the search for it can be exhausting. What I’ve come to learn is …