Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

In today’s mainstream culture, we are told that self-love is the best love. However, the word...


Duplexity of Love: Sacrifice & Service T Shirts

In today’s mainstream culture, we are told that self-love is the best love. However, the word...

On Thursday, Set. 2nd, we launched our DTDOYY21 commemorative t shirts: Sacrifice & Service. Here is our message:

“Love is so important.

Relics sacrifice & service t-shirts characterize the theme of The Define the Days of Your Youth Campaign 2021, The Duplexity of Love. This theme highlights the sacrificial love of God and the service-based love we ought to express towards one another.

In today’s mainstream culture, we are told that self-love is the best love. However, the word of God tells us that there is no greater expression of love than when one lays down their life for their friends. The best love is the love we have for each other. God expressed the ultimate act of sacrifice when He gave His only begotten Son for mankind to have access to eternal life with Him. Like Christ, we ought to make the necessary sacrifices for the ones we love.

Many of us find it too demeaning to serve; however, service remains another important expression of love. We serve God and serve each other. If our aim is to be like Christ, Christ said that He did not come to earth to be served but to serve others (Matthew 20:28). Humbly serving each other is how we show love to one another and how we take steps to be more like Christ.

As believers, we must love. This is a fruit of the Spirit, and the word says that the one that does not love does not know God (1 John 4:8). We must be mindful of the hatred we might carry in our hearts and release it unto the Father. We implore you to forgive like you have been forgiven, love the way you want to be loved, and aim to be more like Christ every day of your life.”

– from Relics

If you would like to purchase a t shirt and support this company, click the shop button on the navigational menu and take your pick! Thanks so much.

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