I’m sure I work excellently and diligently – even without supervision, which could really explain my work ethic.

I’m sure I know my way around socialization and bringing life to every room, and that could explain my growing network.

I’m also almost certain that my intelligence can be vetted by the few certificates I’ve amassed over the years.

But if I’m honest, that is not nearly enough.

There are rooms I walk into even without knowing they existed, with doors I certainly couldn’t have knocked on. There are connections I have – friends that became family – that I am pretty sure I am not dope enough to sustain.

I have walked uncharted paths and found people who gladly embraced me without even knowing where I was from. I have garnered incredible opportunities with people who did not even ask to first see my papers. I walk around hearing many testimonials of how much people appreciate my mind, knowing very well that no amount of preparation could have merited such awe.

I do not negate that skill and tutelage go a long way in building you up in stature. However, there is more to success than we credit.

I have found that unless the Spirit in a man – the Almighty Himself – makes you intelligent and teaches you to profit, you will be stuck in a ‘wanna-be’ kind of success.

Unless the Lord is in it, it is all in vain. The Bible tells us that though watchmen stay up at night to watch over a city, it is in vain if the Lord is not watching over it (Psalm 127:1-2).

I have quickly come to learn that my story can be narrated in just a few phrases, summarised in Psalm 124: “Had it not been for the LORD, let Israel say…”. When I recount any good thing I have ever done or the things I am proud of in my life, it can only be God. It is only God that has made my life meaningful. In fact, my very purpose in life – which I am fortunate enough to have begun walking in – is because of God. It is about God.

The Bible is pretty serious when it says that in Him we live, breathe, and have our being (Acts 17:28). Everything flows from Him. I guess that is why God was intentional about giving His everything.

One day I was having a conversation with God, and He brought about the topic of the cross. On that cross, He gave all He could have ever given. He gave Himself. He gave His only. He gave His all. Therefore, we have everything.

When you have chosen to be on the LORD’s side, you have chosen access to everything. That if you would remain in Him and Him in you, then you have it all. Grace. Favor. Joy. Peace. None of it is like what the world gives. His gifts are without revoke, and His blessings are without sorrow.

So, when it is all working out, may you not be quick to take all the credit. When it is tough and looks like it won’t amount to much, may you remember that it is God that makes all things work out for your good. Everything works out because we have Everything – we have God. 

I hope you take time to reminisce – cause when you do, maybe you can be honest about everything. It was God. It is God. It will always be God. 

Scripture Reading: Psalm 124 & 127:1-2; Acts 17:28

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