So, you want to lose weight for the new year? If so, you’re not alone: it’s one of the top news year resolutions made every year, yet not many keep to that pledge. In fact, in just a couple of weeks, most give up and continue with the other goals they set for the year. I was one of those people until I came to a point that I got tired of not doing what I said I would. I knew I needed to acquire more discipline. 

”No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.“ Hebrews‬ ‭12‬:‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you made it to this part of the devotional, congratulations. You have jumped over the offence to hear this truth. Most are not as healthy as they should be, even us young adults. We live in a society where we travel the road of least resistance in careers, relationships and even health, as we despise the tool of discipline. The verse above talks about how it’s not going to be fun in the beginning but peace comes after. This means that developing discipline to live a healthier lifestyle is going to be hard. You are creating a new normal and it can be uncomfortable. Now it goes more in depth about Godly living throughout the chapter and whether or not taking care of your temple (body) is part of that too (1 Corinthians 6:19). I used to think that eating was a great way to solve my problems. I mean I could’ve been doing more reckless things right? 

”If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to corrections, you grow in understanding.“ Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭32‬ ‭NLT‬‬

That food turned to weight, which plagued my morale, appearance and mobility. In Proverbs, we are shown that any indiscipline will result in harm towards ourselves. And when it comes to your health, refusing to change your lifestyle stifles your understanding of how to take care of yourself. It’s not a coincidence that you have probably seen or experienced that most people don’t have the discipline to regulate this area of health. Yet, the consequences of that plague our everyday life. Most have enough courage to initiate or call out for change but in addition to that, I’ll show you how to endure the discipline. 

”We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance.“ Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Listen, weight loss is a great goal but let’s address the root. If you’re like me, you are unaware of how to take care of your body and use food to medicate but that’s the Holy Spirit’s job because He is the comforter (John 14:26). This means whenever I feel the temptation to eat to soothe my emotions, I pray that God gives me a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). And when the thoughts to be gluttonous come, I bring them captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). In the physical, whether it’s walking or doing a HIIT workout, it’s time to get some movement in your body. There may be more specifics for  each situation but don’t let that mean impossible. Because what makes it prosper is that your spirit is well but your body is struggling. 

Though losing weight and health was one example in this devotional, don’t miss how we are actually addressing your spiritual growth. A lack of discipline can affect all areas of your life. Whether losing weight is a goal of yours this new year or not, there are some practical steps to develop discipline. 

  1. Put your thoughts (that lead to feelings) in their place.

We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. (2 Corinthians 10: 4-5)

Did you know that you can control what thoughts run around in your mind? And that you don’t have to meditate on the “I don’t feel like doing this?” or “I’ll do it tomorrow”. This applies to losing weight, reading your bible, attending church and many more things we yearn to change in. Discipline requires consistency and many of us let our thoughts take us out of the game before it even begins. 

  1. Find accountability and keep on the pursuit.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

There are many verses in the bible that reference the use of community and this one of them: to be there to help you with the good days and support you when you fall off the wagon because this is going to be harder. Changing and developing a habit isn’t easy and the difficulty may prompt you to give up. But like is said in the verse illustrated earlier in this devotional these hardships have a hand in strengthening our faith (Romans 5:3-5). 

To sum it all up, what makes a resolution a lifestyle is discipline. We are surrounded by easy and less treacherous ways of getting what we want but discipline is one thing that the word of God illustrates as a necessary hard (Hebrews 12:11). We can also apply this to more than losing weight, because faith is another thing strengthened through it. As we address our thoughts and lean into accountability, we can pursue these resolutions to a lifestyle. Because this year discipline is our portion. Let’s make this year different! 

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 15:32; Ecclesiastes 4:9-10; John 14:26; Romans 5:3-5; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 & 13; Hebrews 12:11

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