God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

And He will do so in a way that you can’t utter another name but God’s because it is only by His authority and power that your expectations ...


God Will Provide

And He will do so in a way that you can’t utter another name but God’s because it is only by His authority and power that your expectations ...

Have you ever questioned how you were going to get somewhere, become this thing, or pay for this and that? Well, I’ve been in this state for over the last three months. To paint a picture, I have no job, way of income, and wasn’t able to even physically do anything about it because of a recent severe medical procedure that left me with two to three months of recovery to partake in. To add insult to injury, I recently got a college degree in the opposite field of what I want my ultimate career to be, and I’m in need of in-field work hours for this career. I literally felt like I had hit rock bottom, and I had no way out. I was left quite literally looking at my room ceiling thinking how would I get myself out of this. Then it hit me that I was forgetting about a huge factor, God. One of many things God asks of us all is to have faith, with as little as a mustard seed to start. In that, He can do a lot. In my life, in those moments where I had the littlest faith one man could have, He did the impossible.

Faith in my own words is never stopping or believing, no matter what the circumstances look or seem like.

For instance, when I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of ten, I had no faith but a tear of hope that I would come out on top of this diagnosis. God didn’t just cure me of cancer but did it twice just so I wouldn’t think it was a magic trick. Another was when I went through a bad breakup and felt as if I had no value in myself as a person and as a man. God didn’t just show me I had value because He said so, but He allowed someone else to see it too. Not even twenty-four hours later after that breakup, one of my close friends asked me to be his best man at his wedding and I had just won a two thousand dollar scholarship at the same moment. This moment created a new sense of value and pride that I saw in myself, and it was all due to God providing. Finally, for all the problems, issues, and debt I mentioned earlier that I was in, God brought me out of those things too. Currently, I’m able to pay my rent, I have a job interview lined up for my desired career field, and I have more faith in God to throw me more rope to climb these insurmountable mountains (issues) I may have to climb in life.

During those very low moments in my life where I wanted or already had thrown in the towel, God threw it right back at me, to showcase the greatness that He is capable of.

I don’t write this to say be like me (have little faith) because of how high of a mountain you might have to climb in order to see sunlight in your life again. But I write this to motivate you to have a lot of faith in God, who will provide for you and bring you out on top at the right time in whatever circumstances that your current season bestows upon you. And He will do so in a way that you can’t utter another name but God’s because it is only by His authority and power that your expectations could be exceeded and that you could be blessed. I hope you keep hope. I hope you keep faith during the waiting and stressing. I hope you know and realize things get better. I hope you have and hold faith.

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Where Can Your Hope Be Found?

But what if amidst all the numbing that I and maybe some of you have longed for, we numb ourselves to God as well?

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