He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

He Cannot Fail

However, a lot of what God has said to me has yet to play out in the physical. Now, should I call that an answered prayer just yet ? ...


He Cannot Fail

However, a lot of what God has said to me has yet to play out in the physical. Now, should I call that an answered prayer just yet ? ...

I don’t know where you stand on the patience scale, but I do know that I need a lot of help from God in that area. It gets really rough waiting on God, particularly with matters that are completely up to Him. 

Lately, I have been in anticipation for God to get some things done in my life, some personal, and some even involving my country, Kenya. I have leaned on God a lot, and if I’m honest, His response toward me has been positive. However, a lot of what God has said to me has yet to play out in the physical. Now, should I call that an answered prayer just yet?

This is a conversation I’ve been having in my close-knit circle, trying to elaborate on what happens when there is a battle between spiritual reality and physical reality. 

What God has me realize is that a lot of the things I’ve trusted Him for before have been within my reach. Ideally, they are things I just need His support to accomplish – I have not fully relied on Him to turn the tables for me. A good example would be trusting God for some quick cash when you are already working at a well-paying job. Usually, you are just asking God to support you during the few days it would take before your next paycheck. Do you see what I mean? 

But sometimes, God will push you out of your comfort zone so that you can really learn that trusting Him looks different than asking Him to support your moves.

I think I am in that space currently. I have to wait on God on matters that I have completely no control over. I have to pray that He supernaturally shows up because otherwise, I have no other solution. This is a tall order. 

The stakes are higher when God gives you a word that suggests that everything is sorted, yet at the look of things, it is probably more chaotic than when you started praying. My primary concern has been finding the balance between what my spirit has come to know based on God’s word, and what my physical self is experiencing in the present reality. It looks nothing like the promise. 

But then comes the question, “Is God a liar?” If God’s word is true, and He can be trusted, then where is the uncertainty coming from? I’m reminded of the Israelites in the wilderness, walking within a promise God had established with Abraham ages before them. God still reminds them of the promise of the land flowing with milk and honey. But the reality is that the wilderness was nothing like the promised land. Even then, God would still reiterate the same promise. 

Eventually, we do see the promise falling into place, but some of the Israelites did not make it that far. While there is so much to explain why it played out that way, the most important fact is that God stayed true to His word. None of the promises of God fall to the ground until they are accomplished. 

Hard as it may seem to believe, God’s stance on your matter is settled. If He has already sent His word to heal your disease, then trust that it is so – especially when it doesn’t look settled. 

Since I reckon I may not be the only one in such a space, I hope you find your balance in faith. That you can walk joyfully in your reality, knowing very well that in the Spirit, the Lord has already assigned you victory. I hope you take time to introspect so you can correct your heart posture as you allow time to play out and catch up to the realities of the spiritual world. 

When it doesn’t look like what God has said it should, you are not there yet. Keep pushing in prayer. Keep showing up in expectation. God really meant it when He said, “When the time is right, it will happen”. But while at it, may you not grow weary. It may take a little longer than you expected, but you have a lot more supporting evidence that God is faithful. If the Israelites had the parting of the Red Sea, the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, and many other miraculous signs, I know for a fact that God continues to provide signs and wonders you can bank on that He cannot fail. Remind your heart that God can be trusted to keep His promise.

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