Hypocritical Christians

To every stereotype, there is some truth. However, the whole truth about Christianity and the importance behind the resurrection of Jesus Christ is that we, human beings, were given access to a reconciled relationship with God ...

Hypocritical Christians

To every stereotype, there is some truth. However, the whole truth about Christianity and the importance behind the resurrection of Jesus Christ is that we, human beings, were given access to a reconciled relationship with God ...


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What can a single person learn from the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Maybe that’s too heavy of a question for someone who doesn’t believe in God, let alone the resurrection of Jesus. For me, it is truth – and the resurrection of Jesus Christ means that my sins have been washed away. But what exactly does that mean? We’ve heard it over and over again. What does it mean to have our sins washed away?

I believe that today we, oftentimes, see the negative stereotypes about the church exhibited all over mainstream culture. The church is judgmental. They are a bunch of Jesus Freaks that go around judging other people’s lives and still living sinful lives themselves. They are hypocrites – and the pastors are corrupt because they take money from the congregation and use it to buy luxury cars and jets.

To every stereotype, there is some truth. However the whole truth about Christianity and the importance behind the resurrection of Jesus Christ is that we, human beings, were given access to a reconciled relationship with God in order to fulfill our purpose on this earth and live forever. Jesus conquering death, released us from imprisonment to sin. We no longer have to identify ourselves with sin, neither do we need to let the guilt of sin make us feel like we are not worthy to be in a relationship with God. We are now able to come to God (when we are sincere) and get a do-over. We get to come to God and not be judged about the things we’ve done in the past. We get to come to God and be loved – and be free.

Now this doesn’t give an excuse for the corruption in the church. This doesn’t justify the actions of the child-molesting priests and the jet-flying pastors. However what it does justify is the mistake you made. Now you can get that written off your record. Now you can be apart of the herd. But beware – some are wolves dressed in sheep clothing. They look the look, but are only there to deceive you. That’s why you must know the truth about Christ and who God is. That way when you see the corruption you can call it out for what it is, and know that those actions are not Christianity, and God will deal with the false prophets himself.

This post was a reminder to some, to others, maybe this is there first time you’ve ever heard any of this. Regardless, just know that God is not mad at you, and doesn’t hate you. He wants you. That’s why He sent Jesus to die, so we can be holy and blameless in His sight. No more isolation – only love, identity and purpose.

A Blog Post by Emmanuel Iheke

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