It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

It Had To Be You!

All your life, He has watched while you chose everyone and everything else but Him – and still! He chose you even though you are the dumbest...


It Had To Be You!

All your life, He has watched while you chose everyone and everything else but Him – and still! He chose you even though you are the dumbest...

Of all the choices He could make, it had to be you! Really?

He chose you, even though your heart belonged to someone else. He could see that you were in the least bit interested in WHAT he had to offer. He saw you get up in the middle of the night to be anywhere else but with Him. You never even have to try so hard, ‘cause the default of human beings is sin. All your life, He has watched while you chose everyone and everything else but Him – and still!

He chose you even though you are the dumbest person you know – yes, even you know that much. How often do you do anything right? I mean, I know you went to school and all, but did the system do enough to sharpen and qualify you? Look at the decisions you’ve been making! You have a trail of broken hearts and a bucket full of poor choices. He factored all your stupidity and foolishness when choosing you. How do you not see it?

He chose you, even though you are the meanest person around. You bully everyone in your corner even without lifting a finger. You are hasty to cuss out, with little regard for people’s feelings. Your tongue is not slow when dealing with the elderly. It’s not like every old person in your street is your parent anyway, right? Why do you have to be so rude all the time? I wonder whether you care about taboos, or karma, or literally anything at all. I don’t get it.

He chose you, even though you carry poison in your mouth. You are quick to speak while you hardly listen. Are you not the king of drama in all your circles? What’s this about you being in everyone’s business? When will you have time to tend to your own business? You always get defensive even before anyone else starts talking. Who hurt you that bad? What kind of scars and wounds must you be hiding that you won’t let words mean anything other than an attack on you? Why is your story marked with nothing but broken promises and empty words? Did He have to choose you? I don’t get it.

1 Peter 2:9 says, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

Well, it’s not for me to get it, cause He chose me too. Crankier than most people, and stubborn to a fault – and still I made the cut. Quick to make vows and even quicker to abandon them – and still I made the cut. I won’t even get started on the kind of bones hidden in my closet. My scars are stories I’ll tell when I’m older.

While I was still in the depths of it, while I was still in the dark, while I was still sinning, He dared to choose me. ME!

I am yet to wrap my head around that. It cannot be by works. There is no way on earth I could do enough to merit being chosen by God. Knowing that has been the only reason I keep trying to choose Him too. But if I’m honest, I fail more times than not. It’s easier not to be with Him, but I’m happier when I’m with Him.

So, the first thing you have to do is accept that He found you worthy of choice. Accept that simply because He created you, you are so valuable and by His Grace, which is a gift unto itself, we have access to an unparalleled love.

Once you are okay with the idea of being set apart from many, then you can work on doing a better job at choosing Him. Everything changes when you do. He decided and committed to loving you regardless of anything you have done or have become. If that’s not enough, darling, nothing will ever be.

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