Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Worm

I know that a lot of us use sleep as an escape from the world (I know I used to), but I challenge you to try to see the beauty in the day ...

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Worm

I know that a lot of us use sleep as an escape from the world (I know I used to), but I challenge you to try to see the beauty in the day ...

I do not know about y’all but I have been LOVING this time change. Before, I felt like I never had enough time in the day to do everything. And now I do! Of course I understand that we all still have the same twenty-four hours (haha). But there is a big difference between waking up at 8 AM and waking up at 7 AM (especially when you have the same energy you would have had at 8). When I was younger, I would see this extra hour as another hour to sleep in and be lazy. Now, as an adult, it is another hour to be productive. And I know you’re like, ugh get Ms.Sunshine and Productivity out of here. I want to emphasize that I was not always like this. I did want to enjoy the comfort of my fluffy comforter and weighted blanket, but I realized that the goals and the dreams I have for myself are not going to magically appear. I have to get up and do what is necessary to create the life I see for myself. 

I am not saying that you need to hop out of bed and completely change your life. Start small. I know that one thing that helps me get up in the morning is the fact that I need to take my dog out. The idea of my room smelling like her accidents gives me the jolt of energy I need to get up and out of bed. That is usually the hardest part. So maybe not go out and get a dog, but make something that is really important to you happen in the morning. The sense of urgency I feel in the morning wakes me up. Once I take my dog out and walk around and get fresh air, it opens my mind and body up so that I am no longer tired. Because I wake up earlier, I am able to do more with my day. I have started running. It started off as a mile. I used to hate running and would roll my eyes when people would talk about how it made them feel better. But now I am one of those people. Daily exercise and greatly increased my mental and physical health. I strongly believe in signs. Literally the day I was thinking about running more, a woman on my Instagram shared her story about how running changed her life. I was convinced.

I am not saying you have to choose to run. I just think we should all take advantage of the day. Times are so strange and there is so much going on all the time. What are you doing to take care of yourself? I know that a lot of us use sleep as an escape from the world (I know I used to), but I challenge you to try to see the beauty in the day. When I’m not studying (because law school wants to ruin my life :)) I am journaling, praying, reconnecting with loved ones, running or spending quality time with my dog. Days get easier and more productive when you incorporate things you love to do in them. I know it gets hard to do that sometimes, but please do not give up.

You can do this. Seize the day!

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