Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

Joy, Joy, Joy! 

We can’t allow life circumstances to dictate our joy. As Christians, we’re to know that joy is not dependent on one’s accomplishment ...


Joy, Joy, Joy! 

We can’t allow life circumstances to dictate our joy. As Christians, we’re to know that joy is not dependent on one’s accomplishment ...

The joy of the Lord reigns forevermore, we will rejoice and be glad in it! Yes, there is joy in the livelihood of following Christ, and it will leave nonbelievers questioning “What is it about Christians that makes them so joyful and different from the rest?”

As a Christian, I know that my joy is simply a blessing from God. He has set me free from years of depression and renewed my spirit by unveiling His presence alone. All it took was prayer and actively asking God for His guidance and truth; and as He always will, He delivered me from a livelihood of defeat and nonbelief. During that time of hardship, I was privileged enough to seek support through therapy and prescribed medication, but even with all those things, I never fully felt set free from my mental health struggles. I finally got to a point where I wanted to transform my spiritual life and relationship with God, and that’s when my life completely turned around. I no longer am in agreement with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, but rather I identify myself with what God says about me. God wants to disprove the negative labels placed on us so that He can proclaim His goodness and glory through us to the rest of the world. Joy comes from God, and those who know that are abounded by His Spirit and set apart through Christ. 

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4)

When set free from strongholds, we find security in God’s promises. It’s said in the Bible that, through the coming of Jesus, there are no longer any reasons to remain despaired because we have been saved through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Those who believe in God’s sacrifice are graced with mercy and promised the gift of eternal life with Him.

“You make known to me the path of life, in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

So, have you joy felt lately? Do life’s circumstances impact your ability to exude joy into the world? It is true that even believing Christians will experience periods of crisis and angst, where we feel personally attacked and challenged to keep our joy afloat. Well, this is where prayer and reading the Bible come in. It helps us to remain vigilant in God’s mission and also renews us when we’re feeling at a standstill in our faith or need renourishment of the spirit. 

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

“Do not fear; for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

We can’t allow life circumstances to dictate our joy. As Christians, we’re to know that joy is not dependent on one’s accomplishments or desires, but rather from knowing God’s love for us. I thought that getting into my top master’s program would be my peak in life; only to find out that it was only a brief moment of glee. My happiness was quickly challenged once the pace of the school year kicked in, and I found myself once again looking for the next thing to feel at peace. At that point, I knew I had absolutely no understanding of joy, but I trusted that God would be able to help me understand it. 

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17)

When we have a relationship with God, we are never looking for the next best thing, because we already have it. Jesus is the best companion anyone could ever have in their life, and once the seed of this relationship is planted and watered, there is no stopping what God can do in your life.

God’s joy is abundant and everlasting, and the world’s is temporary and fleeting. So whether I wake up on the right side or the wrong side of the bed, I still feel secure about the rest of the day, because I know that God is by my side to guide me through it. Jesus is enough to fulfill our lives and guide each step with much security, strength, and optimism for a lifetime. His spirit transpires into the physical, and our sense of purpose and belonging is never tainted in knowing we belong to God. 

Let us put this into practice. I’d like you to find and write down a Bible verse you can reference when feeling dismayed or needing a reminder of God’s promises over your life. It’s important that we build the habit of turning to God immediately when feeling burdened or our joy compromised. Over time, the Word will become ingrained into our subconscious, and this will act as our weapon of defense against the enemy’s attacks. We are on the winning team! So going forward, allow your faith to radiate the joy of our Heavenly Father so that He can manifest His blessing into your life and the lives of those around you.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 16:11; Isaiah 40:31 & 41:10; Romans 14:17; Philippians 4:4

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