Make this life count. And by that I don’t mean “YOLO” – living life wandering the world up and down only looking to fulfill comfort and fun. I don’t mean go to as many places as you can on the weekends and date as many people as you can find. I don’t mean get a great education and start a dope career working on something you are passionate about. I am not shaming any of these things, and I’m not saying they are all bad or wrong. But what I mean when I say, “make this life count” is to make sure that when God calls you home one day, you can walk home proud. And I can’t think of many things that can make me prouder than knowing that I did everything that I needed to do while I was on this earth – then I’ll know that it’s time for my Black behind to get the heck out of here.

Death is inevitable. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian and you live a righteous life of faith. You’ll die one day (if rapture doesn’t happen before that). It doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not, or if you’re “spiritual” at all or not. You’ll die, this is the inevitable truth and there is unfortunately nothing you can do right now or ever to stop it. So now what?

It’s kind of like the time I realized that my college graduation was right around the corner. I was scared, and super nostalgic. However, a certain thought brought me back down to the earth: the end was inevitable, and all I could do was make the most of the time I had left. I had to make everything count. And when I finally did graduate I was content with moving on because I knew that there was simply nothing left for me to do. I did everything I needed to do. I accomplished the mission God gave me at that school. There were no regrets. 

Many of us are wanderers in this life – distracted by our next report card, our our job interview or whatever. And by all means we all need to handle the business we need to handle, but when I said make life count, I wasn’t talking about good grades or dope careers remember? I was talking about fulfilling the will of God in your life. The grades, the job – everything that matters, matters dependant on its relevance to God’s will in our lives. Shouldn’t that be what we are concerned with. Does what we fill our minds up with worry each day have anything to do with His will? Or are we worried about everything because of pride, or comfort, or fun, etc.

We need to concern ourselves with finishing all the tasks – execution. I’m talking about you – everyday – waking up and the first thing you ask yourself is “how can I be of service today?” You ask God, “Use me as you please today, and help me to fulfill your will in my life.

Many of us fear death for different reasons. For me, the fear of death roots down to my fear of leaving without completing my mission. I think death is sad, but something about the death of a man in his old age, having lived so much life and served God through it all, hits differently. It’s not as sad to me. That’s because he did it, you know. So why stay…go home. I want to get to the point where I know that there is no more for me here. No stone unturned. No more tasks. Everything accounted for. Don’t leave this Earth without doing everything God asked of you…make this life count.

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