Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

Move Where God Is

You still cannot afford to be chasing the wind just because a change would be a better or greener option for you. Have you asked God...


Move Where God Is

You still cannot afford to be chasing the wind just because a change would be a better or greener option for you. Have you asked God...

Do you ever just long for a change in your life? As much as we are creatures of habit, we crave change every now and then. The idea of a new city, nation or continent can begin to look appealing when your heart starts craving a change. It is no longer enough that your hair color or dress code is different. When such time comes, it can be hard to accept your current situation in contentment. The stakes are higher if you are originally from a marginalized community, or when the economic and political weather is tough in your region.

Where I come from, a common ideology concerns finding the right connections so you can leave the country for greener pastures. Ideally, there is nothing wrong with wanting better things for your life. Contentment has nothing to do with settling for less. Instead, it means being at peace with what you have, in confidence that better things will come. If you know enough about Jesus, then you understand that better things are always underway. However, you still cannot afford to be chasing the wind just because a change would be a better or greener option for you. Have you asked God about your next move? What if His answer is no? Would you be willing to stay? Gen.26.2 Then the LORD appeared to him and said: “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I shall tell you.

At the time God was telling Isaac to stay in the land, there was a drought. It was already tough in the land. The most logical thing to do was to move to a different land. Doesn’t it feel like that in your country right now? (Especially since the world has significantly changed since 2020). So much can be happening around you that the most logical solution is to pack up and leave. However, God told Isaac to stay put – and in the land where He stayed, God fulfilled the promise He had made to His father Abraham.

If God is on your side, it does not matter your placement geographically in life. God will always orchestrate things to work out in your favor. You will find your Rehoboth (Genesis 26:22) in the designated place and location – as long as God is leading the way.

This does not mean it applies to everyone. Some people will succeed in a foreign land, like Joseph in the Bible. However, it has to be the designated area for your life. Your story is not supposed to look like everyone else’s. It is okay to remain in your own country, city or village – but it is also okay to move. The Bible talks of being blessed in the city and in the village. The blessings of God are not limited to particular parts of the world. However, the promises of God over your life are sometimes linked to particular locations. Therefore, you must be sensitive enough to know when God says move, and when He asks you to stay put. Wherever God is should be your pursuit. Besides, you should know that nothing is accidental with God.

In Acts.17.26, it is written from one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 

The family, country, continent and generation you were born into was predetermined. God set the times in motion long before you came to earth. He has determined the exact places you should live for you to be impactful as a kingdom citizen. There are locations of optimal impact for everyone – you just have to be in tune with God to find out where.

So, before you make that drastic change that will station you in a foreign city, country or continent, I hope you talk to God first. Before you drop out from school, quit your job, leave the relationship or relocate, I hope you know where God’s heart is. If God’s presence will be with you, you will always find the path to your life. It matters where God is.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 6:2 & 22; Acts 17:26

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