The journey of life requires faith, however without expectation there is no destination.​


Emmanuel Iheke

December 30th, 2018

Tomorrow marks the end of one year and the beginning of another. The beginning of a new year means a lot to everyone. It’s that feeling of starting fresh that inspires all of us to be hopeful for the future. All the BS we went through in 2018 can be written off as the past and we can move on to a new frontier. I would say that this is the time of the year when we are the most ambitious.


“New year, new me”. We all love to say it – almost as much as “new phone, who dis?” We get the formal chance to reinvent ourselves. Set a new standard for how we want life to go. I would say the keyword in all of this is “expectation”. We come up with fresh, new expectations of our lives and from ourselves that can cause us to be better human beings in the long run.


I personally love the new year for this very reason. I believe that we must make great use of this time in order to lay out our expectations for 2019. “Expectation” is essential when dealing with the future. Think about it, we have expectations for everyday we live – some good, some bad. Either way, expectations layout a guideline for our faith to follow. The journey of life requires faith, however without expectation there is no destination. You see, we need both for either of them to make sense.

There is something about writing down your expectations that keep you more accountable of believing in them. This is something I do before the beginning of each year. I write down everything I want God to do for me that year. Some notable items I had on my list for 2018 was to get an internship, a new car, safe traveling, and for my aunt to be healed from cancer. Wanna know what my 2018 was like?

I got my first ever internship as a Marketing and Project Management intern at AT&T over the summer.

My dad, my sister and I put or money together to buy me a new 2018 Honda Accord.

My sister’s life was delivered from a car wreck in November (surely she shouldn’t have made it out of that one.)


And last but not least, my aunty became cancer-free.

Expectation gives way to faith, faith gives way to life-saving, internship-making, new-car-smelling miracles. Write down what you expect to get out of 2018 on a sheet of paper and hold onto it for the entirety of 2019. Cross off everything on the list that you achieve/receive as you go along. At the end of 2019 we can regroup and give God the glory for all He had done.


Happy New Year!

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An Intentional Practice of Faith

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Provision of Epic Proportions

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Enough in His Hands

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Waiting Expectantly

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My Eternal Inspiration

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The Power Within Weakness

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The Man in the Mirror

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Salt and Light of the World

Salt and light each have very distinct qualities and unmistakable when present. They also function to modify and transform …

God of the Unexpected

This experience was a reminder to me that God can be in the “still small voice”, and that sometimes your breakthrough requires a physical move …

Patience is a Virtue: Part ll

The patience I had last year was sufficient for the situation I was in at the time, but now, more is required for where I am now …

An Intentional Practice of Faith

However, our relationship with God requires partnership with Him, wherein we willfully allow God to lead us, no matter how busy or distracting …

Fire Relief Resources + Spreadsheet for Families in Need

Craft Artists Emergency Relief Grants California Fire Foundation’s Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency (SAVE) Program Eaton Fire Relief for Families Spreadsheet (GoFundMe Pages) Emergency Housing Request FEMA Disaster Assistance Fire

Examining a King’s Words

Yes, this quote is about the revelation of one’s character in challenge, but I think it could also be extrapolated to our perception of challenges themselves …

The Race is Not Linear

What today looks like is not a determinant for tomorrow. My favourite thing about knowing the Lord is that every second is an opportunity for …

Provision of Epic Proportions

I know how miraculous each of these births are but this Advent season, my eyes have been opened so much wider to the miracle that is the birth of Christ, but also the intentional …

Sustain Me O Lord

What do we do when our hope or belief in God grows faint or nearly dies? Keep hoping and believing in the only thing that can quench and revive …

Enough in His Hands

It sometimes occurs to me that His mercy may not be enough for me, that I might be too bad for Him, or too much to fit in His hand. I am having to learn that He is …

Waiting Expectantly

God’s answers to our prayers may not be exactly how we expect; in my experience, they rarely are. Sometimes the answer is no when we expect yes …

My Eternal Inspiration

If we are not cognizant, alert, or especially circumspect, the world’s measurement becomes our assessment or perception of ourselves, altering our true course …

The Power of Forgiveness

This unforgiveness, however, became a barrier—preventing me from fully understanding that I was truly loved and forgiven by God. I viewed God …

The Power Within Weakness

As a human, I must be constantly rescued and protected by God. Even on my greatest day, I am fundamentally needy, dependent, weak, feeble, fragile, exposed …

The Man in the Mirror

As I got older, the voices of the outside world and everyone in it outside of myself grew louder, and my own became more quiet until it felt like I didn’t know my …

Who Are You?

You can be anything you want to be in a world full of endless differences. But before you were anything at all, you were first God’s …

He Who Cares

The most notable thing I felt during that experience was God’s presence. I realized that He sees and cares about little old flawed me …

Assembly with Fellow Believers

This is the benefit of belonging to a community of Christians. We gain access to like-minded individuals who can encourage …

He Can Be Trusted

To be honest, sometimes I even forget He has a part to play in the story. It’s difficult to believe in what I cannot see. To be honest, sometimes I even forget …


Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

Un-Associated, LLC’s mission is to create a space where young people can define themselves separate from the thing they go through, the labels the world gives them, and their own wins and losses. We want to teach the entire world how to live the “un-associated life”.