Some Things Need to Stay Private

Not everything is for social media. Before you post that black screen with the crying emoji or with a quote about people being fake, ask yourself, does this need to be posted?

Some Things Need to Stay Private

Not everything is for social media. Before you post that black screen with the crying emoji or with a quote about people being fake, ask yourself, does this need to be posted?

With the popularity of platforms like YouTube and Instagram, the boundary of what should remain private in someone’s life has been crossed.  All you really have to do is turn on the television or open an app to see the inner lives of everyday people. This is even worse for celebrities. Shows like Love and Hip Hop, Keeping up with the Kardashians, Black Ink, etc., document relationships between friends, families and co-workers, which in most cases is just drama. It allows people all around the country, and even the world, to judge others, solely, from what they see being portrayed on television. Naturally, these shows generate thousands of fans who would love to see the celebrities do well in life and can even relate to some of their personal struggles. However, there are just as many haters, naysayers, and overall mean people who watch these shows to judge.

When you make every aspect of your life open to the public, there are going to be a lot of people who feel like they know you and what’s best for you. Of course, the people on these shows can choose not to look at the comments because at the end of the day, they’re collecting a bag, but it still takes a toll. The media can dehumanize people and distort their image. What’s even worse is that viewers can take advantage of the media’s distortions and use them to bully and harass. Why do we judge others? Why do we say hurtful and harmful things and assume we know their lives? The answer to this question is because nine times out of ten, we are insecure about the problems in our own lives. No matter how much we think we know, we can never truly understand what is going on in the lives of others. We need to be kinder and have more sympathy for others. We don’t know all that we think we do. Of course, cheating scandals, family drama or other imperfections in people’s lives are, unfortunately, common occurrences that can happen to anyone. But before you look on your phone or television and think about judging, reflect on how you would feel if it was your family, friends or even you. Not so funny, huh? 

Now let’s talk about protecting our peace when it comes to what we put out for the world to see. Not everything is for social media. Before you post that black screen with the crying emoji or with a quote about people being fake, ask yourself, does this need to be posted? We rely more on the opinions of others as opposed to doing what is best for us. Maybe, next time you have a problem, don’t go to social media. Go to a close friend, family member or someone that you trust because once it is posted, you can’t take it back- screenshots and recording exists. Do yourself a favor and protect your peace. 

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