Note to Self: Nothing You Can’t Handle

He has given us a portion of Himself unto each and everyone of us to strengthen us and uphold us when we, ourselves, have no strength to carry on.

Note to Self: Nothing You Can’t Handle

He has given us a portion of Himself unto each and everyone of us to strengthen us and uphold us when we, ourselves, have no strength to carry on.

*Disclaimer: I will be using you quite frequently in this piece and not we, as I normally do, because I wrote this to myself. Most of the pieces I’ve written have been from the perspective of someone that has found a methodology that has worked and is sharing that methodology with the hope that it works for you, but this message below is something that I needed to remind myself of, and something I have been grappling with as of late. It is always my goal to write with you, (the audience in mind), but this piece is me working out my own methodology and an effort to encourage myself so that I might do the same for you. 

“God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.”

That’s something we say all the time. We say it either to encourage or lift someone’s spirits but doesn’t it, sometimes, feel patronizing? People mean well when they say it and I have meant well when I have said it, but I understand that when you are amidst a trial or tribulation, your back is against the wall and anxiety is trying its best to overcome you, it can feel like salt on your wound. It becomes the equivalent of someone telling you to relax when you are legitimately stressed about something. While I see both sides, if you are currently the latter – feeling closed in and like you’d rather stay in place than move forward because you are scared or feeling unprepared for what is now required of you – then what I have is a remedy. First, a friendly reminder that you are not the only one feeling this way and secondly, regardless how defeated you may be feeling, you have everything you need (within you) to tackle whatever stands before you. 

The phrase can, at times, feel a little cliche. I agree, because it’s become a standard response to anyone struggling. But for one moment, I would like you to ignore the myriad of times it’s been said to you and think about what it actually means. Not only does it mean God has you every step of the way, and that you are not alone, but more importantly, whether it feels like it or not, just as you were equipped for all that you have already achieved, you are equally, if not more so, equipped for all that is in front of you now. And if that isn’t good news, then I don’t know what is.

 I know there are moments where you feel as though you are powerless and completely alone, standing in front of an army of 1000 when you are an army of one or rather, standing in front of a trial the size of Goliath and feeling like David, a child ill-equipped for the challenge. I must remind you, though, that David won the battle and more importantly, in those moments, you cannot rely on your feelings because too often they change but what is incapable of changing are facts. And the fact remains that there is a task before you and regardless of how you feel, the task must be completed and the deed must be done. With that being said, avoiding it now will not make it go away. It will simply present itself again until you face it. Like a video game, these things come with leveling up and you don’t level up without slaying the dragon. 

What I leave you with now is an excerpt of a poem and a scripture – things to encourage you and uplift you so that as you face your trial – be it a person or a thought in your head that has become all too pervasive – whatever it may be, you ought to be reminded that you have everything you need to get past this present trial and all the ones that follow it. 

“In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. (…) And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” – Albert Camus

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” – 1 John 4:4

The last thing I will say is this – God himself abides in all of usNot only has He given us nothing we can’t handle, He has given us a portion of Himself unto each and everyone of us to strengthen us and uphold us when we, ourselves, have no strength to carry on. Facing anything alone is scary but you are never alone. And should you ever feel that way, remember His perfect track record and His promise to never leave you or forsake you. 

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