Nothing New Under the Sun

What’s sad and frustrating is, I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said already It might’ve been said in another style or another language ...

Nothing New Under the Sun

What’s sad and frustrating is, I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said already It might’ve been said in another style or another language ...


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Every day I am reminded of the color of my skin

Every day I am reminded that the color of my skin makes me a target

Whether it be a cop car that passes by causing my body to tense up even though I have done nothing wrong

Or the panic attack that ensues over the possibility that they could be coming after me or my family

Or a white woman or man who cower in fear because they think I might hurt them

Which is insane because in all honesty, they have the means and the right skin – the perfect skin – to do whatever they please to me 

and somehow get off scot free with claims of self defense

Every time I find out someone Black has been murdered by a cop, or a racist, it only makes the target bigger

It has happened so often that this target encompasses the entirety of my body

Even though I don’t want to be

Even though I don’t deserve to be

I am a target

There’s a target on my belly

Directly on my womb

A target for my unborn children

However many there are

There’s a target for each of them

And generations beyond them

And they are marked for death

And what have they done?

They have yet to exist

And it won’t stop there either

Even though I just want to be

A Black Woman

Even though I am an Intelligent, Creative, Artistic, African American Woman with a Bachelor’s degree

Even though I want to be so many others things like a beautician, a teacher, a chef, a painter

I’ll always be a target

Nothing more

Nothing less

What’s sad and frustrating is, I’m not saying anything that hasn’t been said already

It might’ve been said in another style or another language, 

By a child or a grandparent

It doesn’t matter – it’s  already been said

It will continue to be said

Because it happens every day

It’s so constant that it’s part of everyday life

I don’t expect my day to go by without hearing that one of my brothers or sisters was killed because someone of privilege thought I didn’t belong somewhere or just because of the simple fact that they don’t value my life and never will

Because they were taught to hate anyone who didn’t look like them the same way we were taught to learn our ABC’s and count from 1 to 3

We don’t expect our days to go by without hearing the news

We don’t expect it – the same way we don’t expect racism to end tomorrow

I woke up from a nap just to go on social media and see another black life taken

I keep on seeing this hashtags and the count just keeps becoming larger and larger by the day

And what about the lives that we don’t even know about?

And you know what it reminded me of?

That I will always be a target

Even though I don’t want to be

Even though we shouldn’t be

A Blog Post by Rhoda R. Clayton

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