Well, my name is Juwan Cummings. I’m African American and Filipino. I was raised in small-town Madera, right in the heart/middle of California. I’m a Cali boy who’s lived and gotten to experience a lot of what Cali has to offer. From growing up in Bay culture to being raised in the Central Alley to now being submerged in LA for the past 6 years. There are two words that I’m proud of that convey who I am which are “a son and friend.” A son to God and a friend of Jesus.

If I had to be un-associated with anything well straight up, it would be the actions, choices, and way I lived before really knowing God and being saved. Like I’m still me – Juwan but I’m definitely not the old turnt me, you know. Like I’m still not perfect nor have it all figured out, but I’m a student till the day I die and I just try to NOW make the conscious choice of living how God wants me to. I’m trying my best to live in a way that brings glory to God. That being said, I’m certainly not trying to be associated with the old me.

Honestly, what’s been my anchor in this pandemic is the fact that I’m hoping to be a husband soon to my beautiful fiancé, as well as still being a missionary worker for the non-profit I work for out in Compton. A global pandemic didn’t stop God from ordering my steps and positioning me where I’m at, you know what I’m saying. Knowing that God is still calling me to be a husband and knowing that I’m also still able to serve gives me peace amongst any chaos. Like I’m exactly where I need to be. And to know that God isn’t through with me yet is a huge big help to my peace and faith.

I think the biggest trial I have overcome to date is the spirit of fear that had a hold on me for as long as I can remember.  Like it wasn’t something I naturally had the strength to muster up and overcome myself but my freedom came from a word God spoke to me directly one day while meditating which was, “Jesus already did the hard part.” That small phrase plus a collection of scriptures ministered to me so much and truly helped me to finally experience true freedom. That one word helped me see and understand that not only is God always with me (literally) but it helped me understand that Jesus did everything that I couldn’t ever do on the cross. Jesus literally did all the hard stuff so that I can live fully and carry out the assignment God has for me. In comparison to what Jesus had to do my task isn’t hard at all. Fear no longer has a hold on me and I’m brave enough to combat the enemy’s strength lies with even stronger truths.

A message I want to share with the youth is that they familiarize themselves with the truth. I think growing up and having flesh naturally shows we’re all subject to the enemy’s plans and schemes over our lives. The enemy works tirelessly shooting fiery darts our way and in addition to that our flesh is literally at war with our spirit. There will be times in our lives where lies will penetrate our minds trying to destroy us from the inside out. Knowing and being aware of this is our advantage though. Jesus says in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Catch this, Jesus says that He is the truth. What does that mean for me and you? It means that NO lie can stand against who Jesus is, NO lie that is greater than the truth of who Jesus is, NO lie that can compete with what Jesus says and thinks about us. There are hundreds of truths that Jesus says about us that combat every single lie that will ever penetrate our minds. So I’d advise the youth to get familiar with the truth. Study and search the scriptures yourselves and see what God thinks and has to say about you.

 “So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32.

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