Remembering Our God

We are left with weariness in our heart, trying to figure out how we can hope in this dark world. These things mistakenly may lead us to seek ...

Remembering Our God

We are left with weariness in our heart, trying to figure out how we can hope in this dark world. These things mistakenly may lead us to seek ...

Trusting in God’s governance requires great faith in the face of all that sin has brought into the world. It is much easier to look to a president, a prominent influencer on social media, or people in your life for guidance and direction than to wait on the Lord. It is convenient and pleasing to the flesh to do these things, but have we done the same thing with God? There is a moment in our lives we all can point to where we sought worldly things more than Our Creator, the Creator of all things. We have rejected God. Maybe due to us disbelieving God could do it, mistakenly thinking it was too big for God to handle, or we are just too impatient to wait on God. 

However, Mark 10:27(NIV) reminds us otherwise – tells us nothing is impossible for God. An elder once reminded me of something along the lines that should help remedy our doubt, disbelief and impatience with God amidst our circumstances.

They said, “in order for us to move forward, all we have to do is turn and look back,” signifying if we want to have trust and improve our confidence in our God to come through in our times of need, all we have to do is remember the multitudes of things that He’s already done in our lives.

Yet we all still find ourselves in those split moments or seasons of questioning God and if He’ll move in the way we hope He will, or at all, discounting all the times God has done it before in the Bible and our lives. 

We see this similar behavior in 1 Samuel 8:1-9/10:17-26 where the Israelities want to conform like the people of the world, seek worldly security and forsake and forget God, who kept them in the wake of all their worries and possible future issues. They wanted a worldly sense of and forgot they were being protected by God himself – the greatest protector of all. 

Why, you might ask, do we all doubt God at times? Life. Life offers us many opportunities and reasons to seek anything and everything except God. Because we continually get caught up in having hope in things we can see and feel.

But with God, all we can do is cling to His Word and our faith in Him, which is not always as tangible as everything that vies for God’s place in our lives. 

Because in these lives we lead we all endure things that leave us questioning God truly sees. We see the world in constant limbo. News outlets constantly break stories of new variants or inflation increasing, driving the cost of living up in every way imaginable. We see people we love become ill, watch them endure challenging times, become victims of their own vices and sometimes, they pass away. And we may even go through the same things ourselves. Leaving us reeling with so many emotions and questions that challenge our faith and our God, and what He has done for us before. Most notably, we are left with weariness in our heart, trying to figure out how we can hope in this dark world. These things mistakenly may lead us to seek the created and not the Creator, becoming like the world to soothe our hurt, worries, and for a sense of security. Yet if we just remind ourselves of what He’s done for us and how He’s kept us, we would soon realize we have nothing to fear.

In the past, I became like the people in 1 Samuel, and sought that false security I could see, which only left me with momentary hope and peace. But the Bible reminds us only true fulfillment can be found in the Lord. Everything we need is in Him. So my hope is for to not run toward these false worldly hopes, and to not conform or succumb to weariness, but to have hope in the greatest supplier and provider there is. God. All we need to do in order to trust God is ook back at what He’s already done for us all before and hold to our faith in that. We all have to make this choice. My hope is we all choose wisely.

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 8:1-9;10:17-26; Mark 10:27; Romans 12:2

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