Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

Return to Sender

No matter how far I go with God, at some point I’ll have to go back to Him and make sure I’m still walking in the steps He ordered...


Return to Sender

No matter how far I go with God, at some point I’ll have to go back to Him and make sure I’m still walking in the steps He ordered...

About five months ago, I wrote a piece titled “When God says Go.” Since that time, I’ve gone through the green light and approached a few more intersections and a fair amount of amber and red lights along the way. Now I’m in the season God led me to and let me tell you, it’s been an experience! I immediately realized that I made a mistake. I lost my view of the bigger picture because I was so focused on my destination. Once I reached the end of my tunnel vision I was hit with anxiety, fear, stress. It was the polar opposite of this peace that surpasses all understanding that I’d been experiencing up until this point. I was in my head. “Did I make a stupid decision?” “Am I being reckless with the life God has given me?” “Should I go back?” “Where do I go from here?” “Do I have what it takes?” I kind of felt like Rebekah.

Rebekah was barren, but her husband Isaac pleaded unto God, and God let my girl conceive, but her pregnancy wasn’t the smoothest. See, God gave her a green light by opening her womb, but He didn’t guarantee her a pregnancy without tough times. Jacob and Esau were doing the most in Rebekah’s belly which led her to ask God the same question I asked Him. “If all is well, why am I like this?” (Gen. 25:22). The Bible says that she inquired of the Lord, and you know what? God not only just responded to her, He revealed His plans to her and it brought clarity to her experience. There are many times throughout the Old Testament where someone “inquired of the Lord”. Especially David; he had God’s voicemail filled to the brim! Even Mary, the mother of Jesus, had asked the angel “How the heck am I supposed to give birth to a Son if I’m still a virgin?” (Luke 1:34, Dee’s Translation). After her inquiry, she was given that same clarity just like Rebekah was.

In the midst of my not-so-smooth entrance into this season, I decided to inquire of the Lord myself! If I believe God has sent me here, I should ask Him what’s really good! I returned to Sender.

Every now and then, I’m reminded that no matter how far I go with God, at some point I’ll have to go back to Him and make sure I’m still walking in the steps He ordered and not the ones I thought would be best to take.

Sometimes we can become a bit too comfortable on our journey with God, so we just assume that just because it’s been breezy for a while we can take it from there. No sir, no ma’am. There’s no reason why we should ever become comfortable taking the lead in life if we’ve surrendered to Christ. If we’ve decided to let Jesus take the wheel, and if we’ve gone forward with the understanding that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours, we couldn’t possibly take over at any given point. There will always be a checkpoint to inquire of God when you decide to follow Him. We needed Him to get where we are, and we’ll need Him in order to continue.

I don’t know where God has led you. Maybe it’s a new job, a new place, a new church, school, or community.

Wherever it is, remember that God’s ear is ready for your inquiry and He will tell you exactly what you need to know so that you can move forward confidently, knowing that this is part of His plan and that you’re not alone.

He knows that the end will bring glory to His name and be a living investment into His kingdom. Never cease to ask God, “What’s good?” Don’t try to manifest it, don’t try to force things out of desperation, confusion, or fear. When you find yourself asking, “If all is well, why am I like this?”, when you’re thinking, “Why am I experiencing these things and feeling this way if I’m living according to Your will for me?” remember that God will give you the answers that you seek with His peace and guidance on the side. There’s never a bad time to return to Sender.

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