Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Security in God Alone

Most importantly, he wants us to trust Him. He doesn’t want us to put our hopes and faith in earthly things like jobs, money, or people ...


Security in God Alone

Most importantly, he wants us to trust Him. He doesn’t want us to put our hopes and faith in earthly things like jobs, money, or people ...

What is security? Security is the state of being safe and free from worry, anxiety, or financial security. These are the very things we as people stress over day in and day out, things that keep us up at night, and maybe the reason we make certain problematic choices in our lives. We worry we will be fed and if we have children or siblings to take care of, we were if they will be fed and if they will have everything they need. Will our rent and car notes be paid? Anything we can worry about, we do. We, as humans, find security in having a job, an income, a partner, – in just about anything we see with the naked eye. I am like this, but slowly but surely I am becoming a new person. 

The thing about God is that he doesn’t want us to worry about tomorrow, not even today honestly. He wants us to just be in His presence, conscious of His righteousness and sovereignty. Most importantly, he wants us to trust Him.

He doesn’t want us to put our hopes and faith in earthly things,like jobs, money, or people. But the thing about this little, old, green rock of a planet we live on is that it doesn’t make that easy, and neither do the people inhabiting it. The world is filled with a million and one things that are constantly battling for your attention. It will blind people into believing everything they’ve gotten is of their own accord, and ultimately, plant seeds of fear and falsehood that can’t and won’t obtain anything or reach a certain height.

In life, the people right next to you, our situations and circumstances, and even our own minds will say our hopes and aspirations are impossible. But we can’t fall victim to these ploys. We must remember it’s not up to us, but up to God and His will.

We just have to “trust and believe” in the steps He tells us to follow. That is our main mission: to trust someone (God) other than ourselves. The crazy thing is that we should have more faith in God than ourselves, because He is the one that never changes. We change all the time – our feelings, morals, ad even stances or certain things change like a tide in the ocean at a moment’s notice. But God, He is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever after. If you need more proof, listen to my testimony. 

A year ago, I was a college senior and I knew I wanted to go on to graduate school, but sadly, my last year and half of school was dramatically changed by COVID-19. So, I had no way of getting work or internship experience to even qualify for whatever degree I would ultimately choose. I didn’t know what degree I would go after, the school I would attend, and most importantly, how I would even pay for it. To add insult to injury, I was going to have major jaw surgery that would put me out of commission for two months. So, one could say there was a lot of anxiety and sleepless nights during this period. During this time, I didn’t have faith in myself or know how I was going endure through these insurmountable obstacles. 

However, a year later, I’m currently applying for graduate school. God provided me with a job that gave me the necessary experience to get into the program that I wanted. The job provided an income that allows me to pay my way through school. Most importantly, I have a new perspective and understanding that I’m not alone and I’m renewed my faith in someone other than myself. I know when I don’t know, God knows. If I can’t do something, God can. I’m just continuously realizing I need to have faith and follow God till the end. 

If you can remember anything from here today, I hope it is (Matthew 19:26 KJV) “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Just know that God knows what we need, he can supply all of it, abundantly. Just look at (Matthew 6:26 NIV) “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than them?” Godspeed.

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