Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Seeking the Kingdom

Sometimes, the things we worry about or desire consume our thoughts to the point that they become a god in our lives because whatever you place first in your life ...


Seeking the Kingdom

Sometimes, the things we worry about or desire consume our thoughts to the point that they become a god in our lives because whatever you place first in your life ...

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33 NKJV

What does it mean to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness? To put it simply, it means to live according to God’s intended vision of His relationship with us and the way we are supposed to dwell with each other here on Earth, right now. This requires partnership with God and with one another. But what happens when our fears for what tomorrow may or may not bring get in the way of our partnership with the Lord? What happens when our worries consume our thoughts so much so that we are unable to love one another the way Christ has called us to?

Sometimes, the things we worry about or desire consume our thoughts to the point that they become a god in our lives because whatever you place first in your life will inevitably take the place of God. This is a problem.

I have been dealing with this for quite some time. I often worry about my future and what it will look like, fearful that my life won’t look the way I want it to look like by the time I expect it to. I also find myself distracted by small, mundane things so much so that I lose focus on God and what He has called me to do. I find that if I’m not careful, all of these thoughts take up the place in my mind that God is supposed to dwell in. Instead of focusing on my relationship with Him, I focus on what He hasn’t given me.

That is why Matthew 6:33 has become a center point of my life. It reminds me that first and foremost, my job is to seek the kingdom of God, and all of my needs will be met. It’s really that simple! Additionally, Jesus says it is futile to even worry about such things – “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature” (Matthew 6:27). I may not get exactly what I want when I want, but God will never fail to provide what I need. His ways are greater than ours, so we, as His children, must be able to trust in his provision and timing. This requires faith. And it also requires knowledge of God’s nature and His promises to us.

This is what I want to leave you with. Reflect on your life. What is it that may be preoccupying your mind to the point that your relationship with God has become second place? I encourage you to read Matthew 6:25-34. I also challenge you to fully surrender these things to the Lord; seek His Kingdom and trust in His promises. Fill your mind with edifying verses in the Bible that will uplift your spirit, sanctify you, and encourage you. Consistently spend time with the Lord, prayerfully. And serve those around you with love. In doing this, we are seeking the Kingdom of God, and God will fulfill all of your needs according to His love for you and the perfect will He has for your life. 

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:25-34

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