This is not just a little business Emmanuel made to express himself or try something new. This is it - this is what I am doing with my life. I have made my decision.


This is not just a little business Emmanuel made to express himself or try something new. This is it - this is what I am doing with my life. I have made my decision.


There’s one more thing that I’ve learned in my 9 weeks of being in DC. I learned that I will be pursuing UN-ASSOCIATED, LLC as the one and only thing I want to do with my life right now.

Here in DC, it has been set in stone. This is not just a little business Emmanuel made to express himself or try something new. This is it – this is what I am doing with my life. I have made my decision. I have 0 room for fear, and 0 room for uncertainty.

Looking back at my life, I can see everything was only a precursor to this moment. I am doing what God has put me on this earth to do, RIGHT NOW. I know that I was put on this earth to inspire and uplift others. That is my purpose. During my time in DC, God has made one thing apparent to me, and that is that UN-ASSOCIATED, LLC is the vehicle He wants to use for me to fulfill my purpose here. It’s not an inference, or a strong conviction. It’s fact.

In Luke 4:18-21, a short account is told about Jesus that encapsulates the amount of confidence He had in who He was, and His purpose on this earth. He got on stage, and told everyone that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, and that He was the Messiah. After that, He closed the scripture He was reading from, gave the book back to the minister, and went to go sit back at his seat as all the eyes in the synagogue were fixed on Him. Everyone doubted and hated Him for the words that came out of His mouth. But, He remained confident, unbothered, and KNOWING.

It is with this level of certainty and confidence I look to approach my purpose with UN-ASSOCIATED. No more doubt, no more fear, no more getting permission from others to chase after my purpose. This is a theocracy, not a democracy. I act on God’s words not the words, energy or intuitions of others.

I’ve noticed that I grow the most when I am secluded, like I have been out here in DC. God definitely put me here, virtually by myself on purpose. I needed to conceptualize some things. I needed to step away from the intimidations and insecurities of my life back home in order to agree to the truth of my life.

So with all that being said, I now proclaim:

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and I have the purpose and authority to inspire and uplift others. UN-ASSOCIATED itself is not my purpose, but the vehicle that will carry it out globally. UN-ASSOCIATED is what I will do with my life, it will be global and change billions of lives. This is my word.

Thank you for reading.

– E

A Blog Post by Emmanuel Iheke

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