The Move Out: A Message To Class of 2020

And now class of 2020, we have been catapulted into a new chapter 3 months early. Now many of us can’t help but be stalked by the sadness in leaving a place filled with so...

The Move Out: A Message To Class of 2020

And now class of 2020, we have been catapulted into a new chapter 3 months early. Now many of us can’t help but be stalked by the sadness in leaving a place filled with so...

Every year, millions of freshmen move into the dorms or some form of university housing at their colleges. And about the same amount of people – being seniors – move out each year. This year I was one of those seniors. However, things are a little different this year – many changes have come upon the class of 2020. One of these changes include our senior year being cut 2-3 months short, and everyone being encouraged to move home as soon as possible thanks to, you guessed it, the coronavirus. So what was once 3 more months of preparation for our final farewells, became “as soon as possible”. For me, my move out time came on April 11th. I drove up to LA, packed all of my things, and moved out of my university apartment to live back home in San Diego with my family.

We all thought we had 3 more months. In those 3 months I was supposed to continue to apply to jobs, lead Bible Study on Tuesday nights, work at the campus’ Learning Centers as a supervisor, throw the next Poetry Jam on campus, go to an annoying professor’s office hours, have a couple more drinks with the boys, go to more club events, and actually go the class in person. But all that was cut short. And now class of 2020, we have been catapulted into a new chapter 3 months early. Now many of us can’t help but be stalked by the sadness in leaving a place filled with so many great memories. I was like this too, but thankfully I came across a message to get me through.

Luke 4: 42-43

Now when it was day, He departed and went into a deserted place. And the crowd sought Him and came to Him, and tried to keep Him from leaving them; but He said to them, “I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.”

In this verse, Jesus Christ just got done healing dozens of people in a place called Capernaum. The people fell in love with him, so much so that they were begging Him to stay. Jesus responded by telling the people that He couldn’t stay because He was sent to fulfill purpose in other places. And that’s when it hit me. How tempted could Jesus have been to stay? I mean, this is a guy who knows for a fact that His life is only going to get harder from there on out. The people actually loved Him, unlike the people that would be calling for His crucifixion 3 years down the road. But He didn’t stay. Why? Because He had purpose to fulfill elsewhere.

Hey you…class of 2020 graduate. You have to leave. You can’t stay there, you have purpose to fulfill elsewhere. Thankfully, we can have more optimism knowing that it isn’t likely people will be trying to crucify us soon. Our futures are bright and filled with purpose. We need to move forward past this chapter in order to enter a new one. It must be done.

I got the closure I wanted after I left campus. I took a walk down memory lane (physically). I took my time reflecting and reminiscing. And then I left. For many of us it is the end of a chapter, but it’s not just an end. It is also a beginning. Thank God for a new beginning. 

God wants you to embrace this new chapter. He has purpose for you in this new chapter. Wanna know how I know? Because you are still alive. Your significance hasn’t faded, you are only changing environments. You’ve gone through your training and preparation and now it is time for you to go out into the world. Yes, all this came as a surprise, but it will not lead to our demise. Thank God He saw it coming, so He has a plan for us. Get your closure and let’s move forward. We have a mission to accomplish.

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