Amahd Bey

Sept. 30th, 2018

The quarter has officially begun for schools on the quarter system and if you are like the rest of the general population, so has the fear and anxiety of everything that comes with it. School things, like study groups, midterms, papers, etc, are important, but so is having some sense of gratitude for the little things in your life. The quarter system is fast paced, so it makes big things seem bigger and the small things smaller, but with the right attitude you can make the best out of all things. It is important to take time to acknowledge the things in which you do appreciate, things such as a shorter duration for classes and self growth.


Classes at a quarter system seem hectic because of how fast everything moves and it seems that you can’t take a breath without feeling behind in some way or fashion, but it is a good thing. Because the classes are more up pace, you only have to attend that class for 10 weeks, give or take. Now you can take more classes and hopefully they are related to your field, so that means more knowledge and skills. You are being more equipped to be your best self. Also, the more classes you take, the more of a chance you have to boost your GPA by getting good grades, or fixing past mistakes. Many people stumble their first couple quarters and that’s okay, because the quarter system gives you time to fix yourself.


With the system’s seemingly extensive summers, self growth becomes a huge part of your life. The quarter system pushes you to realize that there are things you took for granted, such as: family, food, and fun. With so little time to focus on yourself you start to realize that your mom was right about a lot of things; it isn’t as easy to keep your dorm or apartment stocked with food. When you don’t have to stress about school, life can be full of laughs and good times, and not just books and finals. You learn to love the things you thought you could live without. Not to mention, you start to find things you genuinely need when it comes to your mental, physical and emotional health. Your overall health is important and although the quarter system seemingly harms it, it also gives you many resources and opportunities to help strengthen and improve mentally through class, physically through gyms and activities, and emotionally by offering counseling and various de-stressors.


Because of the quarter system, these opportunities become the highlights of your life. You appreciate all the little things so much more and become that much closer to becoming your best self. So although showing the quarter system any type of love is hard, it is important to have gratitude, or at least having an attitude of gratitude for the things the quarter system does produce. Having a positive and grateful mindset towards the quarter system can even help you survive it.

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Un-Associated, LLC Inc. 2018

Un-Associated, LLC’s mission is to create a space where young people can define themselves separate from the thing they go through, the labels the world gives them, and their own wins and losses. We want to teach the entire world how to live the “un-associated life”. 

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