Waiting is the Hardest Part

While it is important to keep our eyes on the prize, it’s also important to trust the process. It’s very easy to forget about the process...

Waiting is the Hardest Part

While it is important to keep our eyes on the prize, it’s also important to trust the process. It’s very easy to forget about the process...

Sometimes, it feels like we have become an “overnight generation” although I applaud our generation for never selling themselves short. However, sometimes our entitled attitude can quickly turn into impatience. That being said, I want to talk about what I’ve recently learned about diligence.

With social media today, it’s so easy to see what other people are doing and where they’re at in their lives, or at the very least, we see the image of people that they impose or choose to reveal to us. Which makes it easy for us to look at other people’s journeys who are quite similar to ours. This can turn into an ugly comparison game really fast, which adds to the realization that our generation might lack diligence.

Terry Fator is one of “America’s Got Talent” most successful performers and a well-known ventriloquist. His performance involved a puppet show and some of his best advice really resonated with me:

Never stop working. Always work. When you stop working the dream dies. And if you love what you are doing, if you love to perform, it doesn’t matter if you’re in front of an elementary group of 20 kids or 20 million people on America’s Got Talent.

It doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen through diligence and consistency. Whatever big achievement we are striving for, it’s big for a reason. If it wasn’t important, it wouldn’t require effort, patience, failure, and time. Time and patience is probably one of the hardest pills to swallow. Because if you’re like me, I want it now! 

That achievement you’re holding close to your heart might be making six figures before 26, growing social media platforms, becoming a doctor, a collegiate or professional athlete. We always hear people say keep your eye on the prize – it’s a pretty popular saying. While it is important to keep our eyes on the prize, it’s also important to trust the process. It’s very easy to forget about the process and the importance of the struggle.

Think about it like this. On Thanksgiving, our families spend a whole day cooking. I know my dad is up at 4 a.m. making sure all the turkey preparations are in line. That amazing home cooked Thanksgiving meal, couldn’t be on that table if our families didn’t spend all day cooking it. Sometimes, we want the meal on the table ready for us, without spending the days/weeks/months/years it takes to work for it or taking the necessary steps. There’s a reason they say the small details matter most. 

Your Thanksgiving meal on the table might be finally receiving that job offer after applying for hundreds of them, getting into grad school, receiving that scholarship offer, or finally receiving that promotion.  When I see my parents, I want the success and joy they have, and sometimes I find myself saying I want it now. But I often forget about all the moves it took them to find the perfect house. All of the jobs they left. I forget how my dad used to sell t-shirts at the Hollywood bowl at my age to make some extra cash.

During a time of prayer, one thing I will never forget that spoke to my heart was God’s voice saying be patient my daughter, what I have for you is coming. God’s plan for us and His promises are real. It’s up to us how much we are willing to wait and work to unlock those promises.

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