Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

Walking In and As the Light

I can let my light shine no matter where I am. It may feel uncomfortable, but light was created to stand out from the darkness ...


Walking In and As the Light

I can let my light shine no matter where I am. It may feel uncomfortable, but light was created to stand out from the darkness ...

Like most people, I’m often in spaces where there’s little room for believers to embrace their faith. Can I be honest? I find it exhausting at times. Being in these spaces, whether it be post-secondary, work, or even the company I keep, I sometimes find myself having to make extra effort to maintain my faith meter when I’m around those who don’t believe or operate with faith. Sometimes to the point where I question whether or not I’m supposed to be there and if I  made a decision without God’s direction. I’ve been experiencing this lately in regards to my business, Vitamin Dee Entertainment. This company is something I truly believe God has given me the vision and experience for. Pursuing a career in this field was a complete act of faith, but sometimes I find that my faith is being tested because I’m working in an industry where it’s hard to find other dedicated believers.

At one point, after a time of fasting and prayer, I became so discouraged because I had felt isolated within this industry. I wanted to devote this company solely to God, but I didn’t know if these two things could collide. This grievance had gotten to a point where I was wondering if I should even be in this industry. And just when I was about to give up, God reminded me that I am the salt and light of the earth (Matt. 5:13-16), and because of that, I can let my light shine no matter where I am. It may feel uncomfortable, but the light was created to stand out from the darkness. God reminded me that He wants to do something within this industry and use me as a point of light.

This testimony is for anyone who may feel torn in their relationships, whether it be personal or professional. For those who may be feeling like they’re tired of being the only believer in the room. Ask God why He has put you there. Ask God how you can be the salt and light in that relationship or space. There may be a task God has for you in that space, or it could be a situation that God no longer wants you to be involved in. I invite you to take some space away from all the noise in your life and be specific in asking God for clarity on this because if that is the space where God wants you to be, you must then be sure you have your preservation plan ready!

Having faith in spaces where those around you do not can drain your light, which means you have to work extra hard to maintain it. I want to share some things that have helped me with this experience so far:

  •  The Word of God!

This passage serves as a reminder for me to sustain my salt and light supply:

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Once you’ve gotten your direction from God, and you move accordingly, you are abounding in the work of the Lord, therefore you can be encouraged to let your light shine where God has placed you. God wants us to be encouraged during these seasons, that’s why we have the Word. That’s why there are so many stories of people who have experienced the feelings we have because they operate in faith and those around them do not (e.g. Moses, Joshua, etc.). Devotionals, Sermons, and Podcasts are practical ways to get engaged with God’s Word and keep it close to your heart!

• Accountability & Prayer Partners

This right here is life-changing. To have people in your corner that you can trust and know Christ is essential to our ability to sustain our light supply. We all need community. It’s biblical! Acts 2:42 says that all the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including communion), and to prayer. If that doesn’t sound like a community of light, I don’t know what does. Get connected with those who you can count on to pray for and with you, and keep tabs on you. This is extremely important for all seasons of our walk with Christ, and we must not be neglectful of this piece (Hebrews 10:24-25).

• Prayer

Aside from prayer partners, spending time with God in prayer is so special. If you’re like me, sometimes you have things you intend to pray for and forget about, so you end up leaving a few messages in God’s voicemail. A trick that I do is writing a prayer list, and in my prayer time, I pray over each individual thing. Seek maintenance for your salt and light supply through prayer. (Matthew 7:7)

Above all else, remember that your works are not in vain as long as God goes before you. Learn to endure and embrace the season God has called you to. Your faith has the ability to start a shift in those who are touched by your light and enhanced by the salt you bear.

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