What Do I Like to Do?

After I made this grand decision to make this one of the most fun summers of my life, I had to ask myself . . . what do I even like to do?

What Do I Like to Do?

After I made this grand decision to make this one of the most fun summers of my life, I had to ask myself . . . what do I even like to do?

So, next summer I am going to be studying and taking the Bar Exam. The Bar Exam is this huge stressful exam that you take after law school. It decides whether you can practice law or not and the states you can practice law in as well. This test is a really big deal. You spend thousands of dollars to take it and study for it. You basically treat studying like you’re working a full-time job. You isolate yourself to really focus, etc. Overall, it is a killer of a test, and so much rides on it. I say all that to say that this is my last summer of freedom. I do have a job, but it is remote and not physically demanding. After this summer, I will be studying for and taking the Bar, and all the summers after this one will be much more rigorous. I will be an adult without a summer break. So, I have decided that this summer I am going to have tons of fun. Because my job is remote, I am plan on traveling a lot this summer.

After I made this grand decision to make this one of the most fun summers of my life, I had to ask myself . . . what do I even like to do?

We have been in a pandemic for what feels like forever. The world is opening back up, so it is time for me to decide what experiences I want to have and where I want to go. I have been in the house for so long that I ask myself, do I even know how to have fun in public anymore? I started looking at some photos and videos from before the pandemic. My friends and I used to have a ball. We got dressed up, went out, and enjoyed each other’s company. While I do want new experiences, I had to take that trip down memory lane to let myself know it’s possible to have fun. I want to travel somewhere new. I want to go sky diving (despite my fear of heights). I want to FINALLY get my driver’s license and buy a car. I am so relieved that I reminded myself that I know how to have fun. Before trying this, the only things I could think of that I liked to do were crochet, watch movies, and try new foods. Those things are nice, but let’s be real. They are kind of BORING (don’t get me wrong, I love crocheting). I am in no way a daredevil and can be very shy in crowded spaces, so I am going to have to take it one step at a time.

I watched this video where someone said that there is no way of telling if something is going to make you happy in the future. The goals that I have for myself and my career could end up not being what I expected. So, now is the time to have fun and discover who I am and what I truly like to do.

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