I was scrolling down Twitter yesterday when I saw this …

For some context, if it’s not obvious enough or you aren’t accustomed to Twitter, a picture of Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan was posted with the caption, “What’s better than one billionaire?…”. For all my Jay Z fans, we know that this is an allusion to his verse off of “Family Feud” where he states “What’s better than one billionaire?…2”. Apparently, one Twitter user disagreed and decided not to pay homage to Jay, but instead to answer the question through a retweet that stated: “ Redistribution of wealth”.
So…I believe this brought up a very good topic to discuss, and that is the subliminal hate a lot of us have for rich people. I want to start by declaring that I am not inferring that this Twitter user hates rich people, her tweet simply reminded me of the subliminal perception we as a society have on rich people. This is not going to be an article on whether rich people need to redistribute their wealth or not, or one that dissects the different facets of communism. This will be an article that reminds us that we have been created with everything we need to fulfill the purpose we have on this earth.
What do you see when you look at a wealthy man or woman? Personally, there have been times in my life where I thought of them as privileged individuals who had everything handed to them. They were blessed into a beautiful life and don’t recognize the actual worth of the blessings they have. I may even sometimes go as far to assume that they are self-centered and see me as less than. Although you might have ran into some rich person that encompasses all of the things I listed, there is one thing that we must all acknowledge. NOT EVERY RICH PERSON IS A SELF-CENTERED, EGOTISTICAL JERK THAT TOOK HANDOUTS.
The reason why I want to hone in on this topic so bad is because I believe that while we sit in our own pity, jealousy and strife, we begin to paint ourselves as victims of our circumstances so much that we start to place limits on ourselves. We start to make excuses: “If I had it like her I would…” or “ Maaaan if someone invested in my like that I could…”. And while we do this, we completely ignore the fact that God has given us everything we need – scratch that – created us with everything we need to fulfill the purpose he has given us in this world.
Maybe you were born and raised in the hood, never had a father or mother, or maybe you were violated, poor, neglected. I will be the first to say that you have all the right to be upset, angry, hurt, resentful. Those emotions ARE called for. But I want you to know that you will not go out that easy. Your story does not end there and you have no reason to envy anyone else’s life. God created you knowing that you were going to face all that you have faced – and with that being said, he created you with the capacity to conquer all of it. I know it’s easy to resent people that seem like they have it made, but do understand that there are a million other issues one can have besides money and materials. Rich people suffer too, just in what might be a different way that you can’t see in plain sight all the time.
If you take one thing out of this reading, take this verse with you:
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” -2 Corinthians 9:8
You may not have everything you want, nor has life gone as planned, but you have everything you need to fulfill your individual purpose. Nothing and no one can take that away. When we are all able to realize this, there will be much more wealth in the world for all of us to indulge ourselves in. (physically, mentally and spiritually.)