Will _______ Really Make You Happy In The Future?

I saw this TikTok yesterday where this man was talking about how we are incapable of knowing what will make us happy in the future...

Will _______ Really Make You Happy In The Future?

I saw this TikTok yesterday where this man was talking about how we are incapable of knowing what will make us happy in the future...

I saw this TikTok yesterday where this man was talking about how we are incapable of knowing what will make us happy in the future. This realization blew me away. If you’re having a hard time understanding this, think about it like this: You are going to an amusement park for the first time. You are so excited about it and can’t wait. All you think about is the amount of fun that you are going to have. On the day of the trip, you are literally getting ready with a smile on your face the whole time. You then arrive at the amusement park and the whole day is mediocre to you. You don’t like the roller coasters, the food is dry and expensive, and the souvenirs are overpriced. The morning of the trip, no one could tell you anything. You just knew that you were going to have fun. . . but then you didn’t. That is what I mean when I say that we are incapable of knowing what’s going to make us happy in the future. You can think and plan and prepare, but there is no way to know. Right now I have a couple of trips planned locally and internationally. I have no idea if I am going to enjoy those trips. I assume I am because of past experiences, but I don’t really know. I am not trying to scare you all, but more so show you that you should not only focus on future happiness. You have to discover what makes you happy now and go for it.

The future is not and has never been promised. So what is the point of relying on a certain trip, goal, or milestone to make you happy? 

I recently reached out to someone that was very important to me. I was worried about it. But I prayed and I felt like God was sending me signs to reach out and mend this broken relationship. I was nervous because I fear rejection (s/o to the baddies that fear rejection), but I knew I had to do it. I had to do something in the moment that was going to make me happy instead of waiting forever. In that moment, speaking to an old friend and mending the relationship was going to make me happy . . . so I did it. What is the point of waiting? I also remember riding in the car with a friend and telling them how I was afraid to ask someone a question because the answer might be unpleasant. She looked at me and said, “The answer is going to be the same, no matter when you ask it.” All I could say is wow . . . that is so true. Do not let fear rule yall’s life. 

My overall message is that the future is not promised. You don’t even know if what you are striving for in the future is going to make you happy. So go out and do the things you want to do now.

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